Noktar Jameki

Journeyman 2, Rogues, Sith
Noktar Jameki has collected 10 Academic Credits, with an average score of 100.0%
Noktar Jameki has completed 0 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Noktar Jameki has completed 12 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Department of Writing Test of Wisdom 12 Oct, 2005 12 Oct, 2005 Complete
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 103: The Ascension of the Sith Empire 14 Nov, 2006 14 Nov, 2006 Complete
Department of Legends Krath Legends 24 Oct, 2005 24 Oct, 2005 Complete
The Archives ACC Basics 7 Oct, 2005 7 Oct, 2005 Complete
The Archives IRC Basics 16 Oct, 2005 16 Oct, 2005 Complete
The Archives Training Saber Basics 13 Oct, 2012 13 Oct, 2012 Complete
The Archives Marksmanship 12 Nov, 2006 12 Nov, 2006 Complete
The Archives Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech 13 Nov, 2006 13 Nov, 2006 Complete
The Archives Imperial Starfighters Eng/Tech 13 Nov, 2006 13 Nov, 2006 Complete
The Archives Leadership Studies 10 Oct, 2005 10 Oct, 2005 Complete
Character Creation & Development Wiki Basics: Character Creation 24 Oct, 2012 24 Oct, 2012 100%
N/A Trial of Identity 6 Oct, 2005 6 Oct, 2005 Complete