Anteian Cross events for Ky Terrak di Plagia

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Blazer Mortis
Primary reason

Ky Terrak, a very motivated individual; a very model example after which the young and new members in my House can flock to. He is always around to provide insight, and suggestions into what can help his House run better. I am ever grateful for his dedication to the House, and to his team to make it work. He has also garnered many competition medals (15 CFs, 5 crescents), during this recent number of weeks. This has served to be a prime example for his team to follow after; I am very grateful for his work, and HSK would be at a large loss to not have him around. GREAT JOB! :D ~QUA/OT Venquis

Blazer Mortis, 2006-04-28 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Ky over the past few weeks has stepped up to the plate and shown everyone that he is a force to be reckoned with. Winning first place in a Feud event and helping to secure CP dominance, he has also won 32 CFs, worked on his GMRG membership, taken an SA course, as well as worked on his Battleteam to get activity rolling within again. I wish I had a House full of people marginally as active as Ky.<br> <br> AED/SBM Daniel Stephens

General Daniel Stephens, 2006-06-13 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel
Primary reason

For participation in the Poetry/GFX, Mixed Media events and a heavy presence in the Gaming events of GJW7. Congratulations, Ky!

  • Ethran Sayre Isradia, Proconsul

Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2007-08-28 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Ky is a member who you can always count on. Despite how busy he may be, he always manages to find the time to help out, and recently the time to be a pivotal Plagueis leader. As Quaestor of House Exar Kun, he helped initiate a plan to revive the house that Cipher is now continuing, and as Proconsul he is someone who I find fun and easy to work with. He replies to emails steadily, discuses various ideas and projects with me on IRC, releases reports, all the general things a leader can be expected to do. At the same time, though, he mentors Journeymen to DJK, helps me with various Wiki articles (Clan Plagueis Prospectus and House Exar Kun history to be exact), and currently will be assisting me in running a Plagueis run-on. All in all, Ky is a leader who I know will stick with me, this is the least I could do ~ CON Aabs

Zanet Xox, 2007-11-19 08:53:36 UTC