Over the last year, none have been more faithful to the cause of advancing Clan Scholae Palatinae than Cethgus. During this time Cethgus has served as Battleteam leader in both House Caliburnus and House Dorimad Sol, and he's achieved great success in both tenures. Over this time, I've had the opportunity to work closely with Cethgus. Cethgus is full of ideas, drive, and the desire to succeed.
Cethgus is always the first person to get an entry in for a competition. He's active in every sense of the word. In one year, Cethgus has earned well over 25 Crescents of varying degrees (I think its higher than I can count, actually :P). Cethgus is continually involved in ACC matches, as well as anything else that you through in his direction. I hadn't realized how much he actually does until I saw that! Additionally, Cethgus has gathered a hand full of Clusters Of Fire, Legions of the Scholar, Seals of Pain, and Dark Crosses. Each of these medals show the dedication and drive for success that Cethgus has.
Most impressively, I feel, is the manner in which Cethgus leads his battleteams. Cethgus' leadership style is designed to get every member of his team involved. Cethgus will allow members to make important choices for the direction of the battleteam. Such things include allowing members to become involved in the writing of wiki-articles, the creation of back stories, and additionally, to allow them to create unofficial items for the team to carry. I am continually impressed by Cethgus' ability to get everyone involved in the process of fictional advancement. Doing things like this helps the entire House advance, as well as forward the Clan.
Additionally, Cethgus has helped to mentor and tutor the journeymen of the clan. Cethgus recently got himself a Scroll of Foundation for mentoring DJK Korvyn through knighthood. This is a feat that even I haven't accomplished. Cethgus finds the time to focus his student's trials to their needs. All in all, Cethgus has developed into a rolemodel for the clan and house. I hope the magnitude of that statement is enough to jumpstart him even more, if it is at all possible.
All I have to say about that is that this man deserves an elevation to the next level of the Equites, where he can make a larger impact on the people that surround him. Congratulations Cethgus. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you for your dedication. And finally, Thank you for being you.
-SBL Thran Occasus, QUA of House Dorimad Sol
Cethgus, it has been a long road since you first joined the Dark Brotherhood. Believe it or not, I still have the automated welcome email that was sent to me because I was Rollmaster of House Acclivis Draco at the time. In the two and a half years that you have been a part of our wonderful Clan, it has been a priviledge to watch you grow and an honor to fight with you on the battlefield for the glory of Scholae Palatinae.
Cethgus never surrenders, even when he knows he's losing and that he's wrong and that he has no chance whatsoever. His stubborness is one of his trademark qualities, and it sometimes works to his advantage. Even though he can be as annoying as an out-of-tune violin playing a piece by Paganini, I would be lying if I said that he wasn't one of the most loyal members of the Clan. His work on numerous projects, from Jedi Academy training nights to helping develop House Dorimad Sol's fictional background has been tremendous and greatly appreciated.
I realize that I can be quite harsh with you, but you just have to remember that those who are hardest on you are the ones who still haven't given up. Remember that the next time I drive you insane by correcting your spelling on IRC. Through your dedication, initiative, and desire to make this Clan grow, you are more than worthy to be promoted to the rank of Obelisk Prelate after over one year as a Templar.
RevengeX Palpatine
Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco
..where to begin. Aside from being one of the most active members of Scholae, Cethgus is a constant source of entertainment, whether intentional or through his actions. He is passionate, fiery, and quick to react, all things I expect to see from an Obelisk of Scholae. He strives to be the best in whatever he does, and though he may fall short, his spirit and motivation are never diminished.
There is a plethora of things that Cethgus has done for his BT, House, and Clan since his last elevation, far too many to list here. Instead, I will gloss over his accomplishments and instead focus on why I believe that Cethgus has a very bright future in the Dark Brotherhood.
Separate from his passion and drive is his overwhelming desire to help and assist others in their pursuits within the DB. Despite never holding a position above Battleteam Leader, Cethgus has gone out of his way to be a boon to his House and to help members from other Houses get accustomed to the Brotherhood. He is a constant presence on IRC, lending a hand wherever needed and providing tons of humorous material for the membership to revel in.
He is very big on the role-playing aspect of the Brotherhood, delving into his character more than might seem safe. He passes this passion down to his Battleteam, which he has led with distinction for quite some time now. His reports are timely, concise, and predictable, so that the average member can glean the new information quite quickly. He is rarely late with a report, something that all members of the Brotherhood who hold a leadership position should strive for, myself included. He shows himself to be a dedicated individual and it is my honor and privilege to nominate him for promotion to Prelate and grant him the ability to craft his custom saber and carry it into battle.
Congratulations Cethgus, your time has come.
~Exarch Lucien Kaeth
ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2008-06-02 17:31:08 UTC