Elevation Request: Sith Warrior
Rasilvenaira StormRaven (7370)
Today it is my honor to present Sith Knight Rasilvenaira StormRaven for elevation into the Equite class. Elevation from Dark Knight into the
prestigious class is an honor reserved only for those members whom have truly proved themselves to as one of the exceptional individuals of a House, Clan and the Brotherhood. Often they impact and effect everyone around them in a positive manner that is conducive to activity, mentorship and leadership.
As a singular force of activity, since the Great Jedi War, there has not been a finer example of activity within Scholae Palatinae. Alone she has tallied over 200 Clusters of Fire, 5 Legions of the Scholar (for hosting and competing), and an array of Crescents (Amethyst, Sapphire (3), Emerald, Topaz). Completed two courses at the Shadow Academy: Marksmanship & Astronomy. The highlight of all of this activity is the fact it has come in a various amount of Gaming Nights, ICTEs and Sunday Tourneys. Providing the Clan with a hefty amount of points that can be used for upgrading it's fleet or purchasing ground forces - a true contribution to the Clan.
However, activity alone will not merit advancement into the ranks of the Equites. Over the past three months this member has pulled double duty as
Scholae Palatiane's Knight Class Envoy and Acclivis Draco's Aedile. In her time as Aedile she has often run the House without assistance from a Quaestor; developing competitions (Training Mission, Humorous Happenings, IRC Trivia - to name a few), stimulating activity (Competition spotlight, reminders about DJB comps, etc), and regular reports (every week: covering a multitude of accomplishments in the House). As the Clan Envoy, Silver has been everything that could be desired of a pure Administrator and point of contact in Scholae Palatinae. Her work is meticulous, on-time and informative. She provides welcome and follow-up letters, ensures her House Envoys maintain weekly contact, compiles bi-weekly reports for the KCB,
and has worked hard to develop an initial 11 page Master/Student Program into a more manageable, informative document that explains what is expected of Masters.
I also should point out that Silver expands her self and character through the Antei Combat Center on a continuous basis. As a Judge it falls upon her shoulders to open, moderate and judge battles in a timely and professional manner. The fact that she does this amongst a horde of other activities as an Aedile and Knight Class Envoy only drives my opinion of her as a responsible individual and someone deserving of induction into the Equite Class.
For performing well above the normal Dark Knight, helping maintain stability in Scholae Palatinae and working alongside her Clan Leaders to push the boundaries of mentorship, tutelage and instruction... I fully endorse this elevation request.
Braecen Kunar
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
Since becoming ProConsul, I have seen a big change in the way Silver has presented herself and in her leadership.
She has presented herself not only to be an accomplished member on her own, but someone who can be turned to if in need of guidance. Her work on the Clan's Master-Student program is coming along rapidly and will be a building stone for this clan for years to come. Her work ethic and
tenacity has even rivaled past leaders work as she has served as KCE of CSP. She has made sure to keep the clan well informed of any and all happenings within CSP. She has taken it upon herself to do her duties as KCE & AED and has blown the expectations of her out of the water.
It is with great honor and pride that I endorse Silver's ascension to Sith Warrior.
Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine
ProConsul Of Clan Scholae Palatinae
Son of Palpatine
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven, 2006-11-23 23:00:00 UTC