Character Snapshot (Kaz Raith)

Character Snapshot for Obelisk Prelate Arvalis (2014/05/31, OP Arvalis vs. OE Tra'an Reith)

Obelisk Prelate Arvalis

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Anzati, Obelisk, Marauder
Height: 1.85 m / 6'1" - Weight: 72.0 kg / 159 lbs
Age: 150 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Standing just under 6'1" and weighting in at about 159lbs, Arvalis is fair-skinned, fairly tall, and sports an athletic frame. Devotion to physical excellence has sculpted his body, though he does not carry to overall bulk of many of his peers.

His black hair is kept long and drapes from his scalp in natural waves. Combined with his blue eyes, he has pleasant, if not attractive features from a human standpoint.

In order to better assimilate in what is predominantly a Human Galaxy, the Anzat has had some minor facial surgeries to change his appearance to something more "suitable" for hiding in the plain sight.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
See Character Sheet
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

Sapphire Blade


Have you no decency? (General Aspect)

Despite his species’ love for “soup”, and the accompanying susceptibility to addictive substances, Arvalis abstains from such practices. Stretching the time between mandatory feedings as long as possible, and even then only hunting down sentients that live on the edge of society. This tendency means he suffers from a perpetual hunger, making him weak and susceptible to fits of hunger-driven rage.

There's nothing to fear. (General Aspect)

Arvalis is well-spoken and well-behaved in social situations. His slick Coruscanti accent, easy smile, and rudimentary understanding of psychology allows him to persuade many that he is in fact not a major threat. Lulling would-be-enemies into a false sense of security has it's advantages, but those of more cautious natures and keen eyes can often see through it and reveal his true intentions.

Enemies must die! (Personality Aspect)

Despite his seemingly pacifist nature, Arvalis is fully aware of the political games that naturally occur in the Brotherhood. While he would prefer not to get too involved in these internal struggles, he regards battle and subsequently the killing of fellow Dark Jedi as a necessary evil for the survival of Taldryan. As such, he holds no qualms over taking a life in battle.

Never give up! Never surrender! (Personality Aspect)

Despite his tender age, for an Anzat, Arvalis has spent more than a human lifetime surviving in a galaxy that would rather see his ilk dead. He has grown to hold a certain stubbornness when it comes to survival, whether in battle or in every day situations. This survival instinct stems from a distrust of humanity, as such he distances himself from all but a select few.

Go for the eyes! (Combat Aspect)

Arvalis is a very well practiced warrior. A purist in the art of lightsaber duels, he is able to quickly discern and abuse flaws in his opponent's fighting style. This keen insight is aided by an above average athletic ability. While fully capable of dazzling feats of acrobatic twists and turns, the Anzat prefers to keep a balanced posture. He does have trouble dealing with multiple opponents at once, the cost of being too focused on a single enemy.

May the Force be with you. (Combat Aspect)

Arvalis excels at augmenting his physical abilities with Amplification, and is able to push himself far beyond the limits of what his body would naturally be capable of. Furthermore; he is also adept at using the Force to perceive threats. This heavy reliance on the Force will quickly sap his stamina in prolonged battles.

Skill Feats
Lightning Reflexes You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die
Force Feats
Accelerated Healing I Reflexive Counter Elementary
Granted Feats
Battlefield Awareness II Battle Haste II Anzati: ‘Soup’ For You
  • Anzati
  • Basic
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None