- Event ID
- 66529
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- Requested by
- Ashura Isradia Sadow
- Primary reason
Zaroth has posted a message on the Clan Naga Sadow Message Board and joined the Clan on IRC. This Dark Jedi has met the requirements of the Trials of the Novice.
Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-01-05 14:11:12 UTC
- Event ID
- 95629
- Source Unit
Marka Ragnos
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2007-12-11 02:33:59 UTC
- Event ID
- 95630
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
Ravana Squadron
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2007-12-11 02:33:59 UTC
- Event ID
- 66438
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 2)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- Requested by
- Ashura Isradia Sadow
- Primary reason
Zaroh has without a doubt earned this promotion after completing his Obelisk Core, Old Republic History, History of the Sith Empire I, ACC Initiates Course and Conflict Mediation. If anything this request is a little late.
Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2007-12-09 22:44:37 UTC
- Event ID
- 80513
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
Marka Ragnos
- Primary reason
I wish to transfer because I have realised that Naga Sadow was much more powerful than any other Sith, and I would be honoured to serve in his name.
Zaroth Rakiroyo, 2007-12-07 04:32:37 UTC
- Event ID
- 73251
- Old Order
- New Order
- Old Rank
- New Rank
- Primary reason
I had a change of heart. I realized that I wished to be a formiddable warrior.
Zaroth Rakiroyo, 2007-12-04 06:48:03 UTC
- Event ID
- 79091
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
House Acclivis Draco
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Zaroth Rakiroyo, 2006-09-28 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 64063
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 1)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 2)
- Requested by
- Zaroth Rakiroyo
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Zaroth Rakiroyo, 2006-09-28 22:00:00 UTC