Rho Ozrei d'Tana

Equite 2, Rogues, Force Disciple, Criminal Syndicate
Rho Ozrei d'Tana has collected 11 Academic Credits, with an average score of 0%
Rho Ozrei d'Tana has completed 1 degree
Degree Date Completed
Maven - Leadership 21 May, 2014
Rho Ozrei d'Tana has completed 11 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Department of Writing Test of Wisdom 18 Oct, 2006 18 Oct, 2006 Complete
Department of Combat & Warfare Lightsaber Studies 24 Oct, 2006 24 Oct, 2006 Complete
The Archives Leadership Fundamentals 17 Oct, 2006 17 Oct, 2006 Complete
The Archives Marksmanship 17 Oct, 2006 17 Oct, 2006 Complete
The Archives ACC Basics 22 Oct, 2006 22 Oct, 2006 Complete
The Archives Training Saber Basics 24 Oct, 2006 24 Oct, 2006 Complete
The Archives Leadership Studies 21 May, 2007 21 May, 2007 Complete
The Archives Arcona History 21 Feb, 2009 21 Feb, 2009 87%
The Archives Trial of Acquisition 29 May, 2017 29 May, 2017 Complete
The Archives MSN Messenger Studies 16 Oct, 2006 16 Oct, 2006 Complete
N/A Trial of Identity 12 Oct, 2006 12 Oct, 2006 Complete