- Event ID
- 26944
- Award
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Caliburnus Scavenger Hunt
- Requested by
- Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven
- Primary reason
For placing first in the Caliburnus Scavenger Hunt, congratualtions.
Sith Eternal Rasilvenaira StormRaven, 2007-03-09 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 64822
- Old Rank
(Journeyman 1)
- New Rank
(Journeyman 2)
- Requested by
- Yadar Shyk
- Primary reason
Yadar Shyk joined Clan Scholae Palatinae shortly after the completion of the Clan Feud with Clan Arcona. Although he is new to the Clan, his voracious appetite for activity and incessant drive for promotion has filled my inbox with materials. After speaking with his Master, Lucius dTana, I found that Yadar performed very well in the Clan Feud as well. Although he was my rival at the time, his present drive does not have me doubting his activity levels during that time period. He was one of the most active people in #ARCvsCSP, the headquarters of the feud. Even though he was on the opposing side, I applaud his hard work!
Aside from the Vendetta activity levels, which are important in their own right, Yadar has completed the necessary requirements for the Trials of the Sun. One of his first tasks was the completion of an image for his character. Although the artistry was not on par with Van Gogh, it was an honest and dedicated attempt at the task. Had it not been for the image, I would not have known that his character is a walking carpet (Wookie.) The image accurately depicts the one-eyed mad-claw that is his character. In addition, Yadar has completed a Wiki article for personal use. Wiki creation takes a great deal of patience and counts as another check on his list for promotion.
Aside from personal advancement, Yadar has helped with several projects around the Clan. One example was completed for the Consul, a short piece on Sith Holocrons, Amulets, and texts. In another case, Yadar completed a series of tasks for the recently appointed KCE, Selene. His eagerness to help and proficiency in work has shown that he is developing as a member. Under my watch, Yadar has also began the House Caliburnus Trivia Event. This is a long trivia competition using the message boards to help increase the flow of traffic on the message forum system. I am impressed with the punctuality and flow of his competition. I have clear insight into where he is headed and I am always informed who wins as soon as it happens.
Yadar has also participated in the ORW events. He is a routine gamer, taking interest in things of this nature. In fact, Yadar has just acquired SWG and began playing it. His Master has set these tasks for him and he has gone above and beyond to become involved in things that fit his niche as a member. Not only has he completed his tasks, but Yadar has completed an additional four Shadow Academy Courses. These courses include Photoshop, AIM Basics, Marksmanship and Lightsaber Basics. This surge of activity has pushed him well into the ranks of Guardian.
This Journeyman has completed the trials necessary for elevation to the next level. By the power invested in me by Clan Scholae Palatinae, I request that he be elevated to the next rank. Congratulations Yadar!
~SBM Thran Occasus
QUA Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
Yadar Shyk, 2007-03-06 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26893
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Xayun
- Primary reason
Outer Rim War 3 - Battle 5
Xayun, 2007-03-04 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26851
- Award
- Legion of the Scholar
- Quantity
- 2
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Caliburnus Trivia
- Requested by
- Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
- Primary reason
Made up questions for HC trivia 2weeks in a row
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2007-03-02 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26813
- Award
- Crescent with Quartz Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [OriensObscurum] February CapAction
- Requested by
- Ashura Isradia Sadow
- Primary reason
Capaction V.2 Round 5, coming 3rd place: "These are Pickellicios."- Yadar
Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2007-03-01 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26760
- Award
- Scroll of Indoctrination
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Anshar Kahn Tarentae
- Primary reason
For recruiting Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr (5648)<br>
[The Headmaster adds the following: this is a special exception. According to Dorn, Yadar recruited him, but Yadar's former dossier, presumably under a different name, was deleted during the great AWOL check).
Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2007-02-25 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26735
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 2
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Du Maurier d'Tana
- Primary reason
CSP Training Sessions! Congrats!
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2007-02-23 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 79610
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
House Caliburnus
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Yadar Shyk, 2007-02-21 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 64751
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- New Rank
(Journeyman 1)
- Requested by
- Yadar Shyk
- Primary reason
Yadar has participated like a fiend, and is very active in Gaming nights, having completed more then the requisite 4 Competitions that Arcona requires for promotion to PRT rank He has been a part of the ORW nights, as well as the Capaction Competitions, and a constant IRC contact. Not only that, but he attempted the ACC and completed a battle, even though he didn't quite make it I'm sure he will quallify in the near future. In addition to this he has also participated greatly in the Arcona CSP feud, and I have no doubt that he will be receiving accolades for that once all the judging has been completed. Based upon his activity and enthusiasm to date this man deserves to be a Protector.
Yadar Shyk, 2007-02-18 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26621
- Award
- Scroll of Indoctrination
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Anshar Kahn Tarentae
- Primary reason
For creating and maintaining this website: http://dragonmasta95255.googlepages.com/home
Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2007-02-17 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26602
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 4
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Du Maurier d'Tana
- Primary reason
Backlogged CFs, sorry for the delay.
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2007-02-15 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26572
- Award
- Scroll of Indoctrination
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Anshar Kahn Tarentae
- Primary reason
For recruiting babar (8475)
Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2007-02-12 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26555
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 2
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Xayun
- Primary reason
Outer Rim War 3 - Event 2
Xayun, 2007-02-11 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26478
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Du Maurier d'Tana
- Primary reason
Tuesday/Thursday Gaming CFs. Congrats!
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2007-02-08 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26444
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 6
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Xayun
- Primary reason
ORW3 Event 1: Weekend beginning 03/02/07
Xayun, 2007-02-05 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26406
- Award
- Crescent with Emerald Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- [HOO] CapAction v.2
- Requested by
- Alex d'Tana
- Primary reason
First Place in Capaction V2 Competition.
Alex d'Tana, 2007-02-04 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 64686
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- Requested by
- Yadar Shyk
- Primary reason
Yadar has satisfied the Arcona promotional guidelines for the promotion to the rank of Acolyte. He has played multiple JA multiplayer matches and earned 7 CF's for his efforts. In addition he has passed Three Shadow Academy Courses IRC Basics, Sith Core, and History of the Sith Empire II, As Core Classes count as 2 general courses he has satisfied the 4 course requirement of the promotional guidelines. He is also on IRC daily.
KE Alex
Yadar Shyk, 2007-02-01 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26353
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 5
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Du Maurier d'Tana
- Primary reason
CFs Galore! Good job and keep on gaming!
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2007-01-31 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26324
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Du Maurier d'Tana
- Primary reason
Gaming CFs! Good Job!
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2007-01-29 23:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 26325
- Award
- Cluster of Fire
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Requested by
- Du Maurier d'Tana
- Primary reason
Backlogged CFs, sorry for the delay. Congrats!
Du Maurier d'Tana, 2007-01-29 23:00:00 UTC