R'deth Bay

Journeyman 1, Rogues, Sith
R'deth Bay has collected 4 Academic Credits, with an average score of 0%
R'deth Bay has completed 0 degrees
Degree Date Completed
R'deth Bay has completed 6 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Department of Writing Test of Wisdom 19 Apr, 2007 19 Apr, 2007 Complete
The Archives Grammar Studies 7 Apr, 2007 7 Apr, 2007 Complete
The Archives Poetry Studies 14 Apr, 2007 14 Apr, 2007 Complete
The Archives Leadership Applications 29 Apr, 2007 29 Apr, 2007 Complete
The Archives Advanced Test of Wisdom 27 Aug, 2008 27 Aug, 2008 Complete
N/A Trial of Identity 29 Jan, 2007 29 Jan, 2007 Complete