Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae

Equite 4, Rogues, Sith, Obelisk
Displaying events 161 - 180 of 244 in total
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

Wuntila Entar is the keystone of this fine Clan. His indomitable will, outgoing nature, honest good intentions and frank ability to speak his mind are the cement which holds us together, and without him I have little doubt that we’d not be nearly as strong as we are today – perhaps not even worthy of Clan. His accomplishments are myriad. In terms of medals, he’s earned a Grand Cross, 4 Crescents with Sapphire stars, 2 Crescents with Emerald stars, A Seal of Loyalty, An Anteian Cross, a Crescent with a Ruby star and two Seals of Return. However, it’s his projects that really speak home about how much of a boon to Arcona he truly is.<br><br>

Implementation of Arcona Military system: For this he constructed a team for the authoring and construction of the wiki pages, with detailed analysis into Arcona’s history, member development and room for expansion. In essence, it gave a new, exciting and accessible layer to character fictional development, along with uniting those who are now within different houses or units. It revived some of Arcona’s unity and strength and it was a fundamental project in the reshaped, redefined Arcona. Not only this, but it gave members, new and old, an opportunity to put their two cents into an exciting new project which has thrived under the current administration.<br><br>

Summit duties: As Aedile and Proconsul, he has worked tirelessly to bring activity back into the old, relatively stagnant Arcona. This was achieved through many different paths. Fundamentally, competitions were a starting point. He hosted regular competitions, large and small, in order to really connect with the members and tease out some of the talent Arcona has to show. This, along with the success of the Communication Breakdown Run-On, wherein many Arconans, along with the Tarenti, became involved in the fictional development and training purposes of the event provided a stable ground where Arcona could practice in its downfall – Run-Ons. This not only brought some of the old, less in-tune members, but it inspired others outside of Arconan reach to really aspire to group together and flourish as a result. He has also been involved in all major summit tasks, from the supervision of the new and improved house location of Port Ol’val by House Qel-Droma and the recently released Battleteam Revenance Virtuom. These two constructions have provided activity in abundance, as well as providing yet another opportunity for members to put their own stamp on Arcona as a whole. He holds regular meetings, whether necessary or not, to ensure that the Summit is working to an acceptable standard and to inform the summit of any given change in the Arconan agenda. He has fulfilled the usual summit tasks and taken it upon himself to award every single member who proves their worth the minute their work is processed. This has ultimately brought about the well-oiled machine that Arcona currently is and it doesn’t seem to be slowing.<br><br>

Co-Author of the Operations system which has been adopted DB-Wide: Wuntila and the Consul both constructed the idea of Operations, wherein individuals may participate in a range of competitions to suit their own personal needs. Those who were polymaths were indeed showered with praise, but those who were not in such a position to possess skills in every field were given the opportunity to become part of Arconan history. This success branched from Operation: Haystack into the following and enabled members (In each and every competition) to be written into the Arconan Story Arc.<br><br>

Numerous Arcona-Related tasks: Wuntila has also been charged with the constant training of the Quaestors and Aediles for their positions and maintaining order within the two houses. This task has been not only rewarding for all involved, but essential in the development of Clan Arcona. Both Houses’ Quaestors and Aediles have been given a helping hand in such a delicate time. The upper summit has worked tirelessly to ensure that members are not only inspired into activity, but they maintain such activity with new, fresh ideas. This sparked the initial idea of Port Ol’val and has disseminated into the very fabric of the houses. Each house member has been approached by their House summit and individually asked what they want to see in the future. This level of friendliness and initiative has only been achieved through the long and arduous process of training.<br><br>

Wuntila was one of the lead authors of the re-clanning proposal which saw Arcona rise from a House back to Clan status. In his capacity as one of the leading authors, he oversaw the writing, construction, formatting and order of issues brought about, taking considerable time to make sure not only his own writing was up to scratch, but that of others. Over a three-day period, he wrote over 10,000 words for both parts of the proposal. Each and every asset Arcona used in said proposal was painstakingly planned out and submitted through the watchful eyes of Wuntila, the Consul, Timeros and myself. It was a mammoth task, but one which Wun took on with passion and it is one of his greatest achievements in the Dark Brotherhood.<br><br>

Finally, as a footnote, it’s worthy to remember that he managed to place 14th in the recent Independence Games after entering only two events (given that he had exams and essay deadlines for university during that period). Wuntila is a man of many, many talents and it’s high time he was rewarded in a manner which reflects this. Well done. – Sashar Arconae.<br><br>

Well, Wuntila has been the heart and soul of Arcona since he rejoined the summit as my Aedile late last year. Since then he has exemplified everything that a leader should be, pioneering schemes to coax activity out of the members and making sure that everyone has something to do and someone to support them. Not only this, but Wuntila has stayed active in his own right, participating in numerous competitions on offer in Arcona and the Brotherhood as a whole, taking part with skill and more often than not, taking one of the top 3 positions when he entered. <br><br>

So, he's a good leader, he's active and he's got the skills that thrill(s). However, it is the personality of Wuntila that truly helps to meld these various parts into the whole that has pulled Arcona through the trials to becoming a Clan once more. He is approachable, friendly and fiercely loyal, all traits that have proven to be exceptionally helpful in his job as the 2IC of Arcona and he commands respect from everyone who deals with him. More than this though, Wuntila has been extremely important when it came to the proposal which was presented with regards to regaining status as Clan. Sam was instrumental in helping to write and present the various arguments and presentations to the Grand Master and his work was integral in getting Arcona regaining Clan status. <br><br>

Wuntila is the best leader I've seen for a long time. He's active, approachable and exceptionally good at his job. He keeps the summit working together and not tearing each other's throats out, and he is possibly one of the most patient people I've worked with in the Brotherhood. He fully deserves this and then some, but hopefully this small token of our thanks will do. <br><br>

Bloody good work Sam, you've more than earned this. – Zandro Arconae<br><br>

When I first met Wuntila, he was already a powerhouse of DJB activity. As a new member in his original Clan, he had already distinguished himself in being active and amazing, a true breath of fresh air in a Brotherhood whose conception of ‘new member’ tends to involve leetspeak and sentences that can only be comprehended through painstaking cryptographic efforts. Wuntila, on the other hand, drew attention by being intelligent, well-spoken and concise, and his joining us was an immense breath of fresh air to Arcona. His innate leadership talent coupled with a fiery and exuberant attitude towards, well, everything has helped propel him first to Aedile of House Arcona, and then in no small due to his efforts exalted us to Clan – and him to Proconsul. As fellow Summit members - though in fairness I must admit that compared to Wuntila, I hardly feel like a leader at all - we worked together on Arcona’s initial proposal for Clanhood, putting together the arguments that would grant us Clanhood. When the Star Chamber raised the first round of counters, he once again took the lead in bringing forth Arcona’s argument and, in no small part thanks to his efforts, we finally gained Clan status.<br><br>

Even after this tremendous achievement, itself more than sufficient to grant a member inclusion as one of Arcona’s pillars, our Proconsul has forged on, creating and refining the operation system of activity, linking together many hitherto disjointed activities into coherent storylines and plots. He has also spent a significant amount of time awarding members and leaders for their efforts, so that no one goes under-appreciated in the Shadow Clan, save himself. Given Wuntila’s activity, I don’t think anything we could offer would be a suitably grand compensation, so I guess a Sapphire Blade will have to do.<br><br> - Timeros Entar Arconae<br><br>

Hm. What to say that can properly portray why Wuntila Zratian Entar deserves this Sapphire Blade without writing so much that 1) I blind you all with a wall of text or 2) that I start to repeat myself. A hard task, clearly. So here we go: <br><br>

To put it baldly, Wuntila is quite possibly one of the best members of the Dark Brotherhood that I have ever seen in my 4 years as a brother, and definitely the most dedicated, active, and hardworking of Arcona’s leaders. I like to tell myself that Wuntila is “di Tenebrous Arconae” in everything but name; he’s always around, always available to offer advice or help mentor a member (be they new or old), give feedback on ideas. <br><br>

When it comes to being the Proconsul of Arcona, Wun never has a low supply of praise for his subordinates, but only when they deserve it, and trust me, when said subordinates need a strict talking to or (virtual) cuff on the back of the head…he’s always there. But that’s what makes Wuntila such a great leader, he’s proficient in both areas of leadership and in the areas that he falls short in, of which there aren’t many, his dynamic relationship with Zandro Erinos Arconae, our Consul, quickly balances it out. <br><br>

Additionally, Wuntila’s contributions to the Clan, beyond just sitting in the position of Proconsul, are numerous. I’ll let the Activity List that will be submitted with this recommendation show the exact details of what he’s done but let me capitalize on two points of great import: <br><br>

Without Wuntila, Arcona would not have regained Clan Status. 2) Without Wuntila, Arcona would still sport a defunct Order of Battle, with a “so-so” military. Now, Arcona boasts a diverse military, consisting of four branches that not only is more “modern”, but also allows members to join and advance within their branch of choice dependent on their Prestige Rankings. <br><br>

The final thing I’d like to add is that Wuntila doesn’t quit when the going gets tough; recently, Wun had an accident concerning his laptop that, for the most part, put him out of contact with the rest of the Clan. This was at a time when we were running one of our joint-Operations with House Tarentum and having our leaders present and visible was quite important. <br><br>

However, despite Wun being “screwed” and when just taking a step away from the Brotherhood would be the easiest thing to do, he dominated his mobile device to stay on mIRC as much as he could and constantly sent out updates to the Arconan Summit from an older computer. That right there is dedication and loyalty. That right there is what makes Wuntila Zratian Entar a great friend, mentor, and leader. And that right there is why he deserves a Sapphire Blade. Congratulations, Wun! Definitely well earned! <br><br> Talos Erinos<br><br>

As I write this reccomendatin for Wun, I can't help but think back to when I was trying to pull his leg just to get him to be a BTL with me. Who would have thought that he would exceed even that, climbing from Aedile, to Proconsul? I knew it all along, and Wun has continued to prove that he is one of the finest members of not just Arcona, but the entire brotherhood. He asserts his leadership better than anyone I've ever served under. He is inspiring, passionate, and cares more about his members than himself. It's this selfless drive that makes Wun so great. He doesn't mind being the "bad guy" in a situation if it means getting the job done, and doing what's best for the House. I'm not one for long drawn out reccs, but feel that I shouldn't need to, honestly. His actions speak for themselves, and there is no one else I would rather throw my weight behind and support in a given task. He is a great leader, a good friend, and a better person.<br><br> Marick del’Abbot

Jorad Erinos, 2011-07-07 02:58:22 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Into The Underworld: A Tarcona Event
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

For First Place in the Fiction Event of Week Two in "Into The Underworld: A Tarcona Event" (COMP ID 5657). Congrats!

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Quaestor, House Tarentum Sith Order

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2011-05-30 19:28:54 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Into The Underworld: A Tarcona Event
Requested by
Master Zsarion Bloodfyre
Primary reason

For First Place in the Event-long Fiction Event of "Into The Underworld: A Tarcona Event" (COMP ID 5657). Congrats!

-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae Quaestor, House Tarentum Sith Order

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2011-05-30 19:28:54 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Return
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

For participation in the 2011 Independence Games!

Lord Halcyon, 2011-05-04 09:29:20 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Ruby Star
XP Value
100 XP
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

IG 2011 - 1st Place - Report on the Games/Exodus

Lord Halcyon, 2011-05-03 10:34:40 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

With the recent Independence Games rolling around, we once more saw our resident ProConsul and arbiter of awesome Wuntila prove just why he is regarded as an important member of Arcona, not only for his leadership skills (which are vast), but also his ability and willingness to put the effort in and participate. Proving that quality far outweighs quantity, Wuntila's combination of participation in Orv's 'Operation: Urgent Transport' was coupled with a victory in the 'Report on the Games' multimedia event hosted by yours truly, saw Wun sitting pretty in 14th overall in the Games and placing himself on the distinguished top 15 board and proving his skill for all to see.

Wun, your work was excellent and deserves to be rewarded with this medal. Congratulations Big dog, and long may your skill continue to shine.

SBL Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (Sith)/CON/Arcona [ACC: TRT-ACE] SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC / DC-CP / GN-BL / SN / BN-AgL / Cr-6R-17A-20S-18E-6T-2Q / PoB / CF-GoF / CI-GC / DSS-BL / LS-BL / SoL / S:-5D-2Do-7Dk-8P-15U-6B-9De


Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-05-03 03:28:22 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
Samwise Gamgee of the Shire
New Name
Wuntila Zratian Entar
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2011-04-13 15:55:43 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
Wuntila Zratian Entar
New Name
Samwise Gamgee of the Shire
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2011-04-13 13:05:39 UTC
Event ID
Event ID
Event ID
Seal of Loyalty
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For displaying exceptional devotion to the Dark Brotherhood, the Seal of Loyalty is awarded as a token of our esteem and appreciation. Thank you for all you have done and all that you will do. Awarded on Exodus Day 2011. ~Muz Ashen

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2011-04-13 09:12:40 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
[Operation Haystack] Graphics #2
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Second Place in the Graphics #2 event in Operation Haystack! Congrats!

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-03-06 13:51:47 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
[Operation Haystack] Poetry #1
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Winner of the Poetry #1 event in Operation Haystack! Congrats!

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-02-17 08:09:08 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
[Operation Haystack] Graphics #1
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Winner of the Graphics #1 event in Operation Haystack! Congrats!

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-02-17 08:07:14 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
[Operation Haystack] Fiction #1
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Winner of the Fiction #1 event in Operation Haystack! Congrats!

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-02-17 08:05:05 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I would like to award my old Aedile, Wuntila the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Though it has been a while since he was my Aedile, his hard work was forgotten about until I recently discovered it. He was a dedicated and hard working person, who always wanted to do the best for his house and clan at that time. He has truly earned this medal for the effort he put in, below is just a small portion of what he did as my Aedile.

Wuntila had some pretty big shoes to fill when he took up the position of Aedile of Galeres. But he did it quickly, instantly he emailed the house letting them know of what he would be in the future, and letting them know a bit about him. But no sooner had he done this than he was moving to helping people. Wuntila worked on the Houses Wiki page, updating it at the time and he looked over all the wiki pages associating with House Galeres making sure that they were all up to date. A task that no-one looks forward too but I found that he took it in his stride, getting down to it and completing it in hours.

Wuntila was always a active IRC presence chatting with members and making them feel at home, he sorted issues out, helped them out with the site, and told the newer members what they should be doing for promotions. But the most work he was doing was behind the scenes which is always normally the case. He was always keeping the house in the loop, sending out constant reminds of competitions, announcing the latest news, and making sure that everyone was still active playing a crucial role in keeping the high standard of active.

Now onto the major stuff, he was a driver behind a idea called Dark Times, while we were looking to run this at the time, he was making sure that his ideas were heard, and he worked hard on the storyline, though this never happened till later, he was the main driving force of this project, taking everyone’s opinion in and writing up a proposal for it, his work made this a well planned plot, and his hard work should be noticed for this.

He also helped in the Clan Ground Forces, this was a ask that everyone put their input into, Wuntila though continued to always keep up to date with it, giving his opinion and ideas, he saw this right through to the end, and his hard work was appreciated by all of the clan summit. Also for me he ran competitions on a regular basis giving members something to participate in. As well as keeping everyone informed of what competitions he was running.

On top of the Above, Wuntila was charged with making sure all the Battle Team leaders were active and working hard with here teams. Sam kept a constant and steady level of activity with each of them, emailing them on a regular basis and catching them on IRC. What Stands out is the one again ability he has for going above and beyond, he helped them bring new ideas to life, to the team. He managed to get the battle teams to be active, and solved problems, concurs or general questions the battle team leaders had.

Now comes to the finally. I was away on holiday, leaving the House to a newish Aedile, while I was away Wuntila ran the house perfectly. Running competitions, posting out reports, and making sure everything was going like clock work. When I came back I found his hard work had not been unnoticed, he had proven he could do a lot, working with the battle team leaders, and completing a lot of the paper work, emails that had to be done.

He constantly wrote reports, ran competitions and had an IRC presence, all of which was outstanding. He went above and beyond the call that an Aedile has to do, making the House activity hit a high, and making us a proud clan and house. His hard work and effort was forgotten by me for that I apologize, and congratulate you now for your hard work.

Cethgus Entar

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2011-02-15 08:51:36 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Obelisk Templar (Equite 1)
New Rank
Obelisk Prelate (Equite 2)
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

At the start of November ’10, I named Wuntila as my new Aedile and ever since he has shown me time and again that the choice I made could not have been better. He is as dedicated, hard-working and creative a summit member as I have had the privilege to work with, and each day that goes with him on the summit sees him progress and Arcona progress. However, his hard work for Arcona has not been limited merely to the last few months where he has held a summit position. Indeed, even before when he was a member of a Battleteam, Wun was working to help improve Arcona with his work on the restructuring of the military to try and make it work better, as well as countless wiki updates and tweaks to make sure that we are kept up to date.

Moving away from constant praise for a moment, I’ll show a list of activity that Wuntila has completed since his last promotion just to illustrate that it’s not just empty praise being sprouted here:

Acquired a Dark Maven Philosophy

Acquired a Dark Savant in Writing and Philosophy

3 x Seals of Defiance

1x Gold Nova

Participation in the Vendetta: Disorder events:

Identity Scan: Week 1

Battleplan (Gold Nova received)

Long Fiction (5th Place)

Run-On event initiated but called off due to unfortunate RL events to do with my partner Kano Pepoi

Actively ran 6 competitions over the past month for the House

Published two reports as AED of Arcona and 6 regular reports as AED of Galeres

Acted as AED of House Galeres until the Clan reform

Currently acting AED of House Arcona since Nov 8th

Regular IRC presence

Constant point of contact for members

Helped shape the house through numerous projects, such as:

The planning, construction, implementation and authoring of the Arcona Military reforms. Constructing, editing and developing wiki pages, NPCs and plots to coincide with the Arcona Military regime, essentially adding another level of fictional development and depth to character creation. This project was instigated as a marriage between the proposal listed below and the work of Driftan Housan and Talos Omerta and their Shadesworn project. Both the Shadesworn project and the Military proposal were merged and heavily edited to create the final product. Led a small editing team to completely finalize the project.

Prior to my promotion to AED and subsequently the Arcona Military reform that took place, I wrote a Military readjustment proposal for Driftan, the then AED, in order to rearrange the ground/air forces of the Arconan Order of Battle and to introduce a ranking system culminating in a seven page report on the construction of the military assets, the Battleteams and the proposed ranking system.

Authored and implemented the communication breakdown run-on, developed to continue the Estle-Eden Axis and to provide another activity for members to engage in and hopefully adding a new, rich and vibrant dimension to the Arconan historical repertoire.

Instigated the BattleTeam Allocation project, wherein individuals were able to e-mail their preferred battleteam to battleteamallocation@gmail.com in order to choose their particular preference of BT.

Created the BTL report system, wherein BTLs are meant to report back to the summit with regard to any problems they have, anything they require in terms of changes to the administration of the BT or general progress.

On the editing team for the Operation: Plain Sight clan feud, brainstorming ideas and constructing the final storyline which was followed by both members of Arcona and Tarentum.

Standard wiki edits that took up a significant amount of time due to the scale of the task. Although not yet complete, a large proportion of the edits have been achieved by myself.

Full participation in the ACC 2v2 ladder and, although being knocked out in the first round, drew a very close match against Xen’Mordin and Raiju Kang with partner Driftan Housan.

Recommended numerous Medals for the work Arconans have completed over my tenure as AED and recommending those who were not previously awarded.

Wrote Marick Del`Abbot’s Obelisk Prelate recommendation.

Filled in for Zandro where and when I can, due to his Real-Life restraints.

Standard administration tasks associated with my position.

As you can see, Wuntila hasn’t been resting on his laurels and doing the bare minimum in order to get by, but he is pushing himself each and every day to go beyond the call of duty and ensure that both Arcona and himself are improving. However, it is some of the activity that is harder to see which I wish to also highlight, namely the way in which Wuntila works as an Aedile in the house. He is seen by all as a caring and intelligent leader, never flying off the handle and always being sure to mediate things where necessary. He works tirelessly with the rest of the summit to provide new and interesting ways for the membership to get involved in Arcona and is always releasing competitions to allow them to do things. The members love him and he shows all the signs of being a brilliant member and leader in the Brotherhood for the foreseeable future. He has more than earned this promotion and I for one and very thankful for all of the effort which Wuntila puts in each and every day.

Wun, you’re a star and you deserve this, many congrats!

SBL Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae (Sith)/QUA/Arcona [ACC: TRT-ACE]

SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoF / AC / DC-CP / GN-BL / SN / BN-AgL / Cr-6R-17A-20S-18E-6T-2Q / PoB / CF-GoF / CI-GC / DSS-BL / LS-BL / SoL / S:-5D-2Do-7Dk-15U-6B-9De-8P


Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2011-01-22 12:32:50 UTC
Event ID
Gold Nova
XP Value
600.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

For first place in the battleplan event of the RoS Disorder.

Darth Aeternus, 2010-12-26 12:44:12 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
New Name
Wuntila Zratian Entar
Primary reason

I have been officially accepted as a member of the Entar family, and as such I would like to request a name change to coincide with this recent event.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2010-12-18 13:45:03 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Defiance
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

For participation in the third week of Disorder.

Darth Aeternus, 2010-11-09 11:27:04 UTC