Val was a Journeyman when we crossed paths in Arcona in ‘11 or ‘12 and as his QUA, I watched him fly through the Equites and eventually land the open spot for my Aedile, which ironically a “Vynn Salm” had also applied for. Sorry not sorry Korvis!
Valhavoc is anything but a havoc, and is one of the most easy-going, friendly, and mild-tempered people that I’ve ever met. He was the bestest Aedile I could have asked for. He was meant to be QUA when I went to the DC, but a mere four days after he moved up he left for the DC too. A little sus. While Arc had to give him away, I read a rec somewhere that the DC gained a “best friend.” I have no context for it, but I believe it. He is a joy to be around even a decade later.
Our fellow leaders and retirees attached can speak far better than I on his Fist term (them having been you know, Fist), so here are some stats since last promotion. Buckle up, we are going for a ride.
Val has organized 94 competitions, co-organized 24, and participated in 502 (13 gfx! ❤️). 71 were gaming comps, but that’s a given. 8 legacy PvP matches, 393 gaming activities. 7 fictions and 2 Run-Ons. He flunked the SA with only 2 passed courses but graded 51!
Before we get into the awards and clusters let’s troll through his positions since last promotion:
Fist 9 months, Prof 9 months, Star Chamber member 1 year (was he their BFF also?), Magistrate to the GM 2 years, Docent for 11 months and Proconsul for 10 months. Most of those roles overlapped except for Proconsul—I imagine founding a brand new clan required a significant amount of time and effort.
Crescents: 5 Diamond, 41 Ruby, 64 Amethyst, 21 Sapphire, 11 Emerald, 3 Topaz, 1 Quartz.
Clusters: 46 graphite (woo!), 14 Ice, and… 5421 CFs. NBD. And the one that is no longer obtainable and makes us all jealous: 14 Pendants of Blood.
Seals: 7 Wrath, 15 Fury, 24 Discord, 16 Visions, 8 Enimity, 3 Ascension, and 10 Transcendence. That is 7 vendettas since last promotion, which also includes 2 Gold Novae for 1st place, 2 Silver, and 1 Bronze.
Through all of these years of remarkable and selfless work for the Brotherhood, he earned himself a Silver Sash, 1 Ruby Scepter, 3 Sapphire Blades, 1 Grand Cross, 2 Steel Cross, 1 Anteian Cross and … no Dark Crosses? I guess you can’t win everything.
And the obligatory stat for a founding member of Vizsla is 1189230 credits earned for the clan.
While "Valhavoc has reached the required 167500 XP to reach the rank of Elder 2," let us not forget his major contributions to our little corner of the internet. He has earned this promotion through hard work and a whole sh*tload of gaming. I feel privileged to be allowed to write this recommendation for Valhavoc and to call him my friend.
-Socks, VizCon
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2024-05-22 04:45:08 UTC