Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, Legend

Elder 3, Clan Vizsla, Mercenary, Mandalorian
Displaying events 641 - 660 of 1165 in total
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (4-10Mar2016)
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For achieving 3rd place in the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (4-10Mar2016) competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-03-15 09:06:01 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Diamond Star
XP Value
200 XP
Take to the field of war
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Take to the field of war competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Zanet Xox, 2016-03-07 12:47:27 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
35.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

For completion of Battlefront Missions on or before 2016-03-06

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2016-03-06 23:31:17 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For participating in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (19-25Feb2016)!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-02-26 03:14:45 UTC
Event ID
Shadow Academy: Professor
Event ID
Magistrate to the Grand Master
Event ID
Silver Sash
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Dark Adept Valhavoc Cole began his career in the Dark Brotherhood from the humble origins of a 56k speed modem located in the dingy corner of a metal container in Baghdad, Iraq (You ever try to WoW PVP from Iraq, it's terrible). His initial foray into the Dark Brotherhood was nothing more than a token gesture to his roommate and a chance to find something interesting to do on a deployment. A few ranks here and there and then Val slipped into the Rogues like so many of our members do.

But, he came back and decided to give our club another try and all of us have benefited from this decision. Since returning to activity in the DJB Val has had a singularly unique career in our club. He has made very few enemies, many more friends, and he has shaped the way we all view gaming. He has done this by introducing the phrase CF balancing into our daily discussions, he has done this by running more competitions than any other member in the history of our club, he has done this by taking an analytical eye at how to implement and fix new games, and he has created a new gaming medal (that I denied previously) that satiated the desire of our PVP and PVE crowds. The way we earn awards in TOR, Destiny, Diablo, Battlefront, and even our beloved Pazaak are all because Val took the time to figure out a way to balance those very different and challenging games.

Outside of gaming, Val has been a stalwart ally of the Dark Council and Star Chamber for many years. He has supported Grand Masters Cotelin, Ashen, and Pravus will advice and counsel that often (not always) urged caution and patience in dealing with situations that had long term impacts/consequences in our club. Its not often you find a member of the DJB Dark Council that has the ability to stay neutral in nearly every major incident, but Val, almost always, found a way do so. This neutrality and lack of bias made Val a decision maker on projects/policies that had impacts far sweeping outside of the normal duties as a Fist.

Glenn has been one of our Greatest Dark Councilors and without a doubt the greatest Fist we have had in the history of our club. He is truly deserving of our thanks and gratitude.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2016-02-21 19:57:13 UTC
Additional reasons

The Silver Sash is awarded to members who have, over the years, proven dedicated to improving the brotherhood by impacting the growth and function of the club as a whole. And when you break down the brotherhood into its main components, you come away with the following: Fan Fiction, Art and Community, and Gaming. And to put it quite simply, one man has been the face of gaming in the Brotherhood over the past few years. And that man is Valhavoc, who has effectively held down 1/3 of what makes the Brotherhood the growing and expanding community that it has become.

Stepping into the position after the former FIST made a less than ideal exit, Valhavoc had the impossible task of not just patching up leaky holes, but propelling the ship forward to meet the next challenge. Val did this seamlessly, but not easily in the middle of an ongoing Vendetta nonetheless. Val didn't even stumble, and simply went to work to get what needed to be done, done.

And yet, few people have had the same tremendous impact on the Brotherhood in such a short time. Well, I guess it isn't really that short a time when you look at it. It seems like yesterday, but time has really flown. You see, I had the honor of originally working with Valhavoc as a returning member who was sitting at the humble rank of Jedi Hunter (I still have him on Google Chat as "JH Valhavaoc." Never had the heart to try and change it.). He quickly stepped up in the Dark Crusades, (which might be the last time he wrote a fiction) and then a short stint as a leader with us before sacrificing himself to the Dark Council.

Val and I often joke about our split focuses on the club (him Gaming, me Writing), but there has never been, in my entire time of knowing him, a single moment where I felt Val waiver on his mission of simply making things better. There was no backwards thinking, only forward. No problems--only solutions. This is, in essence, the core of what has made Val such a powerful leader in this club.

I'm sure my peers will list his accomplishments, so I will instead simply say this: Valhavoc has been the most consistent leader, day-in and day-out, the club has had that wasn't a Grand Master. Gaming is constantly evolving, and our members evolve with it. Attention to detail is one thing, but the ability to take those details and statistics and make calculated, logical decisions is not something many people can do. As a leader, I've always looked up to Val. I often find myself wishing I had his calm-in-the-storm demeanor with that quiet ability to use his rage-hammer eloquently and with such grace that you simply wonder how he manages to yell at someone but not drive them away. Val balances the hard line between iron-fist (heh) and caring friend. He has always been there when I've needed advice, both in club and out, and I know that he won't stop finding ways to make a difference even when he is no longer required to do so by Position.

In short, thanks Glenn for all the hard work you've done for the Brotherhood over the years. You've put us in a really good position to keep growing as a club, while laying down solid foundations that encourage both casual and hardcore gamers to unite and compete and play together.


Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2016-01-20 03:18:41 UTC

A Councillors job is not an easy one, however way you slice it. You basically control one huge part of what makes this Club tick. In the thick of things, you're the one who has to keep the coolest head and a calm voice. You're the one everyone looks to for guidance and the one everyone turns against when things don't go their way. This is doubly true for the FIST.

There are many different people in the Club and many of them are gamers. Truth be told I'm one as well and I can say with a pure conscience: We gamers, by nature, are very temperamental and competitive. That said, handling not only gaming rules and making the system fair for all members, but also preventing cheating and supporting the community by introducing new, revitalizing games to the members, are all stressful tasks set before Valhavoc in his time as FIST. One other big job the FIST has always had is being the mediator between the system and the members, and Val has done this job marvelously. A cool head always wins out, even when the stress piles up. That is how I have always seen Valhavoc. He has always been the voice of reason and the clam in the storm in any situation.

On a more personal note, working closely with the Dark Council as Praetor is nothing like working as a Council member. As scary as I thought the job would be before, the work waiting for me was much, much scarier. I can only say that, without a doubt, as one of the senior Councillors Valhavoc has been supportive of all my work and has held nothing but words of encouragement for me and my staff. His support alone would be enough to help me move forward and accomplish all my tasks.

Valhavoc is a role model, an excellent leader, the best FIST we've ever had and a good friend to have. Thank you for all your service, Glenn. You've been an inspiration and a reminder of what a Dark Councillor should act like. Congratulations.

  • V'yr Vorsa
  • Herald of the Brotherhood

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2016-01-23 01:47:26 UTC

"Foremost among the accouterments of a Dark Jedi’s formal attire, the Silver Sash denotes a being of true merit that embodies what it means to serve...Recipients of the Silver Sash will go down in some of our greatest members." Undoubtedly, the Silver Sash is one the most sought after awards within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and one that I would be hard pressed to identify someone more deserving of than Valhavoc, who perfected what it means to serve within the DJB. Undeniably, Val is a consummate professional who applied every fiber of his being tirelessly assessing, building, and refining systems and processes in a effort to serve the members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood during his time as the FIST.

From perpetual Cluster of Fire balancing to a complete overhaul of the GMRG, Valhavoc left no stone unturned in a effort to bolster member experience and to improve every facet of the Office in which he was charged to lead. To that end, during the last two and a half years, he wrote a staggering 46 Reports, 97 News Posts, and organized/co-organized 259 competitions. Additionally, he created the Cluster of Earth, revolutionized DJB mobile gaming, supported multiple Club wide events, Streamlined ROC requirements, attended Star Wars Celebration as a DJB Ambassador, and expanded viable DJB gaming platform options. Admittedly, any one of these member led initiatives would be impressive in their organizational impact but when looked at collectively and attributed to one person propel Valhavoc onto a short list of the greatest members to ever serve within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

All effort and initiatives considered, I wholeheartedly recommend Adept Valhavoc for the Silver Sash. He certainly left the position and the DJB better than it was when he arrived. Thank you for your unparalleled service Glenn. Job well done.

Montresor, 2016-01-23 20:02:59 UTC

The Silver Sash is one of the highest honors available in this club, only topped by the illustrious Golden Lightsaber. It is awarded to members who have had an impact on the growth and function of the entire Brotherhood. The list of members who’ve received one are legends — their reception is essentially an induction into the Brotherhood’s Hall of Fame, and Val is one of the best leaders the Brotherhood has had.

Since he took office on July 5th, 2013, he has developed gaming from an activity into a community. I’ve been the only member to remain on his staff from the beginning, and it has been an honor working alongside him and watching him provide Fist Staff experience to 9 other members as well. From the start there has always been constant communication of what the plan was: turning gaming into a major branch of this club and creating a gaming culture that welcomes all. Val delegated tasks and ensured that work got done. He’s always been approachable and never afraid to get his hands dirty and help out.

In his time, he has approved over 1,100 PvE activities and over 2,100 PvP activities in administrative duties alone. On top of continuously balancing cluster values through re-evaluation efforts and creating caps: limits to clusters earned from a platform to prevent farming and maintain balance, Valhavoc has added 3 games as platforms for the Brotherhood: Destiny, Star Conflict, and Battlefront (2015). These games have been extremely popular throughout the Brotherhood and contributed to the positive morale the club has for gaming. He was also creative and provided a new challenge during the Dark Crusade in the Alien Swarm event, one that many members had fun with in experiencing something new. It created teamwork, and that is exactly what Val has made gaming in the Brotherhood is about: having fun and creating bonds regardless of Clan allegiances.

Valhavoc has further been a personal mentor to me. He saw my hard work and dedication and nurtured it, happily providing input on any idea I had and giving constructive criticism to ensure we always delivered the best experience for the members. After promoting me to his Praetor, he has continued to help me grow as a member and contributor to the club by giving me more responsibilities in our office, such as grading exams for the gaming department and writing the main Gaming Updates for the club. He has not only been the Club’s gaming leader this way, but a mentor, ensuring gaming would last far beyond his tenure.

Glenn has been a tremendous role model and friend. He has been the definition of an ideal Dark Councillor, and I’m proud to have been there for the ride. Congratulations!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae

Praetor to the Fist

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-01-24 20:57:50 UTC

Valhavoc has been an eager and reliable contributor to gaming-related Shadow Academy courses and helped me piece together the new Gaming Sage degree in a way that, I hope, will stand the test of time. More than that, though, Val is just about the perfect Dark Councilor: he is an expert in his own lane; he is willing and able to contribute meaningfully to discussions on areas totally unrelated to gaming; he takes criticism and feedback to heart and tries to make rational decisions in sometimes-irrational circumstances.

I think he will be seen as the ideal Fist for years to come, and those who step up to carry on his legacy will have a tremendous amount of work cut out for them. Thank you, Val. This is well earned.

Bubba Headmaster

Lord Dacien Victae, 2016-01-28 18:28:33 UTC

There are very few times that I can consider my past and contributions and compare it to someone else as a basis for whether that person deserves a reward. In this case, I remember getting my own Silver Sash from Jac, and the true honor it was, and the great appreciation I held when I received it. And, in this instance I can say, if I ever deserved the Silver Sash, then Val has earned his many times over. It humbles me greatly to be included in a group that holds Valhavoc.

Val has been such a kind, benevolent leader for the gaming community of the Brotherhood. In all things that he does, he adheres to the tenets of the Club; he truly leads by example. He is never cross, even when he may need to be stern. He is jovial and inviting, even when you are a stranger. He listens to others and draws upon their strengths, which is perhaps one of his greatest strengths -- he knows how to invoke greatness from others in order to bring forth the best fruits to our organization. He doesn't micromanage and lay out his own plans, and chop off little bits for everyone; he sets goals and draws out ideas from everyone on how to best accomplish them. He stays actively involved in the community he helps to lead.

In short, Val is a true leader.

In my years -- many, many years -- in this Club, I cannot say with certainty that I was ever as solid a Sith High Warrior (Dark Councilor) as Val has been as FIST. However, I remember a time when -- as Grand Masters go and new are called -- we as a Club called upon another paragon of friendship, gaming and benevolent leadership to rise to lead this Club. I see so many parallels between Valhavoc and Firefox that I can safely say, I do not doubt that Val could be a future Grand Master. He exhibits all of the qualities we could want in our finest leaders.

As a member of his staff, I appreciate his guiding hand and tempered voice. As a part of Clan leadership, I respect the profound impact he has upon my members. As a member of this Club, I am lifted up by his years of service and insight into what we all ought to be: the best of men and servants to all.

Val, from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your hard work, your kind example, and the benefit of your friendship. You truly are one of the pillars of this Club, and you have made each of us better for the direction that you have offered to the facets of this Club. Your influence will be felt for many years yet to come.

Thank you.


Master Zsarion Bloodfyre, 2016-01-29 16:11:23 UTC

Valhavoc, since getting appointed FIST, has reworked and revolutionized any and all gaming-related aspects of the Brotherhood, constantly working to change gaming in the Brotherhood for the better for both hardcore as well as casual gamers. From a complete overhaul of the Grand Master's Royal Guard to a never-ending process of meticulously keeping all those clusters values balanced; From the introduction of mobile gaming to the Brotherhood to separating out PvE gaming to their own award type; and probably much much more, there is no aspect of Brotherhood gaming that hasn't been streamlined and modernized by Valhavoc.

A Silver Sash recipient is described on the Wiki as being someone who has had an impact on the growth and/or function of the whole Brotherhood in a significant way, and this perfectly fits my above description: the Brotherhood would certainly not be where it is today if it wasn't for Valhavoc.

Thank you for all you've done, Valhavoc. It's been an honor working with you, and your successor will have some very big shoes to fill. Congratulations on the (much deserved) Silver Sash!

James L. Entar
Seneschal of the Brotherhood

Ascendant James Lucius Entar, 2016-01-31 16:30:38 UTC

Val has been our best, our most consistent Dark Councilor since I have served on the DC. His tenure has been marked by the stability his office so needed, after the drama that wrought his office and the entire Brotherhood prior to his appointment. It is no surprise that the last year of his time as Fist has been, as it was before, marked by certainty and activity unrivaled by other Councilors. It is under his guidance that we have added some of our most popular platforms in years, including Destiny, Star Conflict, and Battlefront, despite his own interests not always being in those games. His Gaming Updates are consistent and welcome additions, demonstrating his constant devotion to tweaking our systems. He has run 64 competitions, participated in 21, and still finds time to game on the platforms he loves. He places in many competitions, a testament to his skill, but his real strength is in his constant presence and ability to impart meaningful change to the club.

While the last few months have seen Val step more into a mentorship role for his Fist Staff members, his presence has none the less been strong as he guided Ernordeath and others towards managing our gaming systems. He is a constant presence in feedback for the Dark Council, generating dozens of comments on virtually every proposal, from Orders and Paths to promotions and awards. Val helps everywhere he can, and I am sure that won't be stopping, despite him stepping down. One example was Star Was Celebration, where his hard work helped publicize the DB at the major event.

Val is the definition of a great Dark Councilor, from the way he approaches his job, to his regular updates, to his constant building of community within our club. But more than that, Val is a great member, and a great example of the kind of person that works hard to make the Brotherhood a better place for all of us. Congratulations, Val, you deserve this Silver Sash!


Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2016-02-02 05:34:21 UTC


The Brotherhood is a better organization because of you. I say that without any hesitation or doubt. You have worked and strived to contribute all you could in your position, and you have brought about positive change. Thank you for all that you have done.

I've written a lot of recommendations in my time and they always give me a chance to reflect on where we are as a club. We see lots of members come and go, but there are few that strike like lightning, creating such positive progress quickly and efficiently. You have been that, an effective leader from the get go and authentic to the core. For me personally, having you on the DC has been a huge comfort; I knew this club that I Love was in good hands with people like you in the lead.

You have also been a joy to have around on Telegram and on other discussions. You are always keeping the conversation going, and have kept your sense of humor even when trouble comes knocking.

You are going to be missed on the DC as Fist, but I hope whatever break you take is a short one. We need more people like you, and then again, this club needs you.

Thanks again for all that you have done.



Jac Cotelin, 2016-02-20 19:30:19 UTC

Valhavoc has served the Dark Council and Dark Brotherhood faithfully and resolutely as Fist for the duration of my time as Master at Arms. Fist, like MAA, is a position that can inspire heated emotions in members and leaders. Gaming is a core pillar of Brotherhood activity, so the act of managing that pillar falls to Val’s godly balancing of Cluster values and accepted DB platforms. The Fist office maintains the most regular competitions of any group in the Brotherhood, always ensuring there is something for members to participate in, and the Fist Office is one of the most impactful areas for the Brotherhood to actually “do Star Wars” via Star Wars themed apps, mobile games, and more. Val has left his team resolutely and left a clear impression on the position that will be felt for some time after his retirement.

My personal interactions with Val are often through MAA-related “fix this competition” or “remove these extra medals” requests, but in a more casual setting he has always been a great guy to chat with on Telegram about all things Star Wars and all things life. He has spent the past years not only cementing himself as one of the Brotherhood’s best leaders but also one of its best members. His career is filled with successes, and the Dark Council is now missing one of our best friends. Thank you, Val, for all of your hard work and dedication, through better or worse, happy times or getting yelled at times!

Zanet Xox, 2016-02-21 07:10:53 UTC
Event ID
Fist of the Brotherhood
The Council
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For participating in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (5-11Feb2016)!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-02-12 05:05:16 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
3.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completion of Rifts in Diablo 3 on or before 2016-02-08

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2016-02-08 23:30:54 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
9.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completion of Rifts in Diablo 3 on or before 2016-02-07

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2016-02-07 23:31:07 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
30.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completion of Rifts in Diablo 3 on or before 2016-02-06

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2016-02-06 23:30:54 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Best DC/Tribune/Society Report, 11 January - 17 January 2016. 10th Time Winner!

Montresor, 2016-02-02 16:40:00 UTC
Event ID
Scroll of Foundation
XP Value
100.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

For service to the Shadow Academy between July, 2015 and January, 2016.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2016-02-01 20:15:22 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
18.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completion of Rifts in Diablo 3 on or before 2016-01-27

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2016-01-27 23:31:24 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Ernordeth Puer-Irae
Primary reason

For participation in Galaxy of Heroes: Squad Arena Ranking (15-21Jan2016)!

Ernordeth Puer-Irae, 2016-01-24 09:26:58 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
19.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completion of Strike or Raid Missions in Destiny on or before 2015-12-25

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-12-25 23:30:57 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
52.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completion of Fighter Squadron matches on or before 2015-12-23

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-12-23 23:31:34 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
30.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For participation in the Star Wars Uprising: Sector Battle Ranking (26Nov - 02Dec2015) competition.

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-12-05 20:43:55 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
15.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For participation in the Star Wars Uprising: Sector Battle Ranking (05 - 11Nov2015) competition.

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-12-05 20:29:18 UTC