
Equite 2, Rogues, Sith, Imperial
Displaying events 181 - 200 of 234 in total
Event ID
Old Name
Talos Shadowblood d'Tana
New Name
Galen Marek d'Tana
Primary reason

A new name for a new Clan. Plus, I noticied that the site is restored with Talos Shadowblood d'Tana, a name I no longer have an interest in having.

Talos, 2008-08-28 14:34:23 UTC
Event ID
Source Unit
Destination Unit
Dorimad Sol
Primary reason

I have discussed reasons with MAA Syn Kaek at an earlier date. The same reasons still apply, but basically, I feel that I am better suited for a role in CSP. Thank you.

Talos, 2008-08-26 16:34:03 UTC
Event ID
Event ID
Battleteam Leader
Event ID
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
General Kell Palpatine Dante
Primary reason

Awarded for matches played in Gaming Nights from 6/14/2008 to 6/20/2008. Congratulations! ~OT Angelo Dante

General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2008-07-19 08:11:54 UTC
Event ID
Seal of Remembrance
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

For Participation in the 2008 Independence Games. Well done!

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2008-07-14 16:16:43 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
The Great Hunt 2
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

For coming third place in Day six of the Second Great Hunt! congrats!

Jorad Erinos, 2008-07-11 11:01:31 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
The Great Hunt 2
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

For coming first place in Day seven of the Second Great Hunt! congrats!

Jorad Erinos, 2008-07-11 11:01:31 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Emerald Star
XP Value
25.0 XP (Full Value)
The Great Hunt 2
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

For coming third place in Day five of the Second Great Hunt! congrats!

Jorad Erinos, 2008-07-11 11:01:30 UTC
Event ID
Battleteam Leader
Event ID
Battleteam Leader
Event ID
Old Name
Talos Taral
New Name
Talos Shadowblood d'Tana
Primary reason

Manual Administration.

Syn Kaek, 2008-06-07 14:43:32 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Rho Ozrei d'Tana
Primary reason

I would like to award Talos a Dark Cross for his hard work and activity with us in House Galeres of Arcona. Below you will find a list of specific things, but I have to say that there is MUCH more to be recognized. He pours his blood and guts into Blue Mist and he leads those men with pride and dedication! He is dedicated to our house and Clan and below you will find SOME of what we are proud of... please award him his much deserving Dark Cross!

Competitions New Skillz: Ran a new comp, New Skillz, detailing the new skills that Blue Mist has gained other than flying.

Selen RO: Posted in the new Clan Arcona RO, Selen twice so far.

Leadership Blue Mist SitRep: New title for reports. Included the wrap up of the ARC/CNS RO, and the beginning of the IGs. Earned praise from Darth Sarin.

Edits to the BM wiki: Detailed new armor, weapons, vehicles and purpose for BM as not only pilots, but scouts as well.

SitRep2: Filed another SitRep, this one concluding the IGs and the future of BM. Also placed on the DB website.

We are proud of Talos.... Great job talos! You deserve this!

Rho Ozrei d'Tana, 2008-05-27 15:56:45 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

The recent development of my character has gone away from the Sith, my current Order. Since I trained with Mandalorians, and they are a rather agressive type, the Obelisk Order if more fitting for my character and his further development.

Talos, 2008-05-22 11:23:19 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

Coming Second place in the 'top poster' section of the Arcona/Naga Sadow Run On. Congratulations!

Jorad Erinos, 2008-05-12 03:20:35 UTC
Event ID
Old Name
Talos Annedu
New Name
Talos Taral
Primary reason

Some problems with Anubis Annedu Wrath and it has come to my attention that we no longer wish to be brothers

Talos, 2008-04-30 09:49:12 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Jorad Erinos
Primary reason

<I>Jedi Hunter Talos Annedu stood on the deck of the water skiff in the late evening sun as he rushed toward the island where the citadel was. He arrived on the island and caught a glimpse of the enormous ziggurat crafted in a dark red stone set on Doto Rock. They pulled the skiff onto the beach and Talos approached the citadel.<BR><BR>

The entire population of the clan and many others had turned out for the ceremony. Talos strode up the isle to the base of the stairs leading to the pinnacle of the ziggurat. All of the Apprentices, Novices, Acolytes, Protectors, Guardians, and Jedi Hunters were standing near the back of the columns in order of rank. The Equites and the Elders were near the head of the column with the highest ranked members at the head of the column closest to the citadel. <BR><BR>

Talos saw HIS Master standing near the front of the platform eying HIS student confidently. Staying true to the code of the Brotherhood, the Master was in attendance to give witness to the achievements of their student. HE was more exited than ever to have come so far and finally achieve this pinnacle in HIS training. Along with <HIS/HER> Master was the entire membership of the Clan Arcona summit.]]] <BR><BR>

Talos stood before the summit of the clan as anxious could be. The pinnacle of the Journeyman ranks was within reach of HIS fingertips. It was this final choice that had to be made before truly gaining recognition within the Clan. He had to choose his darkness, his Shadowcrafting path. The ceremony was simple but the decision was life changing. <BR><BR>

The summit created a massive shadow that absorbed all of the light from the sun cloaking the entire area in darkness. The Hunter felt the shadow descend on HIM as the summit powered on their lightsabers cutting through the darkness. All of the Arconans on the ground who possessed lightsabers activated them as well. The darkness was cut by the rainbow that was created by all of the Clan's lightsabers.<BR><BR>

(If the Hunter chooses Outer Darkness)

Talos focused on the shadows that were engulfing them and creating HIS own darkness to the shadow already around HIM. The Hunter's shadow reached out and seemed to push the others away and in an instant only HIS was left and used it to unleash the power that was wielded with the ability of the Arconan Clan Power, Shadowcrafting. HE had chosen the Outer Darkness, using HIS own shadow in the physical world. <BR><BR>]]]

"Rise now, a Dark Jedi Knight," came the unanimous call from the summit. In front of the new Dark Jedi Knight hovered HIS lightsaber. The hilt shone in the sunlight and the Knight reached out and took it in HIS hand. HE thumbed the activation switch and powered on the blade. <BR><BR>

The humming felt natural in HIS hand as HE turned to face the crowd and thrust the saber high into the air and shouted, over a thunderous applause:<BR><BR>


I would hereby like to request a promotion for Jedi Hunter Talos Annedu, who has currently fulfilled all requirements for promotion under Clan Arcona's promotions guidelines, which can be seen at: <u>http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotionguidelines.html</u><BR><BR>

Talos has fulfilled all of these requirements, as follows:<BR><BR>

Be in contact with your House and Clan:<BR><BR>

Talos is a constant presence on the Clan forums as well as the Clan IRC channel and over the various e-groups, both battleteam and Clan levels.<BR><BR>

Have two of the Leadership exams completed:<BR><BR>

Talos has passed both the General Leadership course as well as Leadership Fundementals<BR><BR>

Decide on your Shadowcrafting Path: <BR><BR>

Talos has chosen the path of Outer Darkness.<BR><BR>

Request your Warbanner: <BR><BR>

Talos has requested and received a warbanner, which can be seen on his profile page.<BR><BR>

Promote and run a competition for your battleteam, successfully: <BR><BR>

Talos has successfully run several competitions for his battleteam.<BR><BR>

Participate in at least fifteen activities: <BR><BR>

Successfully written 3 pieces of fiction for his House, Clan trials as well as his own personal sacrifice. Posted 5 times on the Blood of Brothers Run On, posted on several occasions in the House Galeres Feud Run On. Passed the Old Republic History SA Course. Ran 3 competitions for his Battleteam, as well as doing 2 reports and participating in the recent House Feud. <BR><BR>

Do one, or a combination of:<BR> -Earn fourty Clusters of Fire<BR> -Complete five battles at the Antei Combat Center <BR> -Write fifteen pages of character-based fiction<BR><BR>

Talos has written 15 pages of character-based fiction and submitted it to his Master.<BR><BR>

Write either a High-quality fiction detailing the creation of your lightsaber, or create a high-quality graphic depicting your lightsaber.

He has written a fiction stating how he has created his lightsaber, and why he did it this way.<BR><BR>

As Talos Annedu has completed all of these guidelines, and more, I would like to respectfully request HIS promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. <BR><BR>

In darkness, <BR><BR>

OP Sashar Arconae (Obelisk)/PCON/Clan Arcona [ACC: CL:1] SB / SC-SoA / AC-ToDS / DC-SiP / GN / BN / Cr-2D-2R-7A-6S-7E-4T-4Q / PoB / CF-SF / DSS-BL / SI-BL / SoL / LoR / LS-PL / S:-2Do-5Dk-4P

Jorad Erinos, 2008-04-03 13:44:25 UTC
Event ID
Battleteam Leader
Event ID
Battleteam Leader