Zandoran Celix

Novitiate 3, Rogues, Sith
Zandoran Celix has collected 0 Academic Credits, with an average score of 0%
Zandoran Celix has completed 0 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Zandoran Celix has completed 6 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
The Archives AIM Studies 18 May, 2007 18 May, 2007 Complete
The Archives MSN Messenger Studies 22 May, 2007 22 May, 2007 Complete
The Archives Leadership Applications 22 May, 2007 22 May, 2007 Complete
The Archives ICQ Studies 22 May, 2007 22 May, 2007 Complete
The Archives IRC Basics 31 May, 2007 31 May, 2007 Complete
N/A Trial of Identity 10 May, 2007 10 May, 2007 Complete