Legorii, Legz, mi amigo. Where to begin? I think it highly ironic that you're the one with whom I started off abysmally with in Arcona; as fate would have it, though, we became rivals and then great friends. I'll make no bones about it; in terms of activity and accomplishment, you set the standard that we all try to pace. You're an absolute bulwark of this Clan, and you continually amaze and set milestones in achievement.
Let's take a moment to review what this exemplary Arconan has achieved since his last promotion;
-Built the Dark Orb battleteam from the ground up. Created a 50,000 byte wiki page. Created the bios for all 48 marines assigned to the team. Came up with the weapons and armor proposals, and pushed them through Summit approval. Wrote the Dark Orb Code. Researched the history of its leaders and applied fictional backgrounds and history for the team. Structured the Phyle with its various teams and individual roles. Recruited one of the strongest battleteams in Arconan history.
-Led Dark Orb to a solid second place in the Great Hunt. Only a week or two after the team was created, Legorii led his team by example, sweeping by proud, established battleteams to place a close second.
-Has participated in every competition available to him since his last promotion, from Raken's fictions, to the Shadow Academy's trivia, to Clan competitions. He has calculated that 87% of all his competition entries thus far in his DB life have placed in the top three.
-Competed in every single event of the Uneasy Alliances Feud, taking first place in Clan Arcona and third overall. Placed first in the ACC, despite having qualified only days before. This is on the heels of participating in every Independence Games event, taking third there as well.
-Created the Clan Arcona Vault, creating wiki articles for every artifact in Arcona's name and linking them together.
-Wrote over a dozen articles about the specifications and information concerning all of the types of starfighters currently serving in Arcona's fleets. Then, he wrote articles for every fighter squadron in those fleets.
-Has created full articles for over two dozen Arconan military NPCs, from all the squadron commanders to capital ship officers to division commanders.
-Has done extensive Shadow Academy and wiki work in the name of Clan Arcona.
-Has often acted as Rollmaster of both Houses of Clan Arcona, taking on the role of welcoming new members and acclimating them to their new lives in the Brotherhood.
-Has reworked the majority of the Dajorra System, editing the planetary bios and system information.
-Is constantly active on IRC, in close communication with leaders and members alike, and on friendly terms with all he encounters. Is active on the forums as well, helping to greet new members that wander in and coordinate Clan run-ons with other leaders.
-Has received a Scroll of Foundation for actively recruiting new members to the DB in real life, at a movie premier of the Clone Wars.
-Legorii has passed eight courses since his last promotion, bringing his total up to 46 including five degrees with two on the horizon, as well as being EP of two courses (one of which he significantly edited). This means that he has passed every course currently available at the Shadow Academy! He literally can't do anything more!
-Has taken two young Protectors under his wing, both rising stars, Arador and Sephiroth Octavius.
In closing, I'm positively honored to be able to see him elevated as befits him sterling efforts! Congratulations, Legorii, and don't stop now!! - Vorion
Id just like to add that Legorii has been a stalwart for this clan for nearly a year now, consistently going above and beyond to make sure that he does everything in his power to make the clan a productive and enjoyable environment for everyone involved, such as helping the newcomers with welcome emails, having a near constant IRC presence to help the upper summit out with various duties such as checking which members are overdue for a promotion etc and his Wiki contributions have been invaluable. Without Legorii, Id have never been able to keep the clans collective head above the water with the Arcona wiki pages. Well done, Lego! Sashar
Jorad Erinos, 2008-10-26 08:52:31 UTC