Dark Cross events for Andryan "Ace" Queldom

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Dark Jedi Knight Andryan Queldom (#8941), better known as Ace, has exhibited an amazing amount of activity this past month, infact, he leads the pack by a wide margin! Ace entered a single competition this month, placing in it, but backed that performance up with two incredibly difficult SA Courses (The Obelisk Core test and Leadership Fundamentals) as well as being awarded for his work to the Shadow Academy with a Dark Maven for Service. To top this all off, Ace earned himself by my count, a total of 63 Cluster of Fires, in ICTE and Gaming Night participation, and because of his great win/loss record, got himself a Pendant of Blood. For his outstanding activity in the short time he has been with House Ektrosis, and for being an example to those members who look to the active few, It is my distinct pleasure to award this Dark Cross to him!

Congratulations Ace!

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2008-03-04 19:55:47 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Andryan "Ace" Queldom has a unique quality about him. Not only is he very friendly, and willing to take on any task put before him, he is one of the most active members of House Ektrosis. In April alone, he managed to gain 69 Clusters of Fire in ICTE and Gaming Night participation, placed in a Clan Competition (which netted a total of 10 Crescents with Quartz!), and took and passed two higher level Shadow Academy Course. The Test of Wisdom is a large undertaking when compared to the other courses available, and the same can be said about the Leadership Basics Course. Because of his high level of activity, and commitment to high effort, it is my distinct pleasure to award Ace this Dark Cross.

~AED Vodo Biask

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2008-04-06 10:48:43 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Driftan Balephor
Primary reason

Over the last month, we have seen a great improvement of activity from Ace. Pulling in dozens of Clusters of Fire, winning a Pendant of Blood, and managing to snag first place in a Saturday ICTE, he is showing us that he can game. On top of this, Ace pulled his weight in the Ektrosis Run On for the Taldryan Feud, helping us secure a victory that names Ektrosis as first House in the Clan. With all of this, he continues to release bi-weekly reports for his battle team, on time, and doesn’t leave us disappointed. For his work in Ektrosis, we present Ace with the Dark Cross.

Driftan Balephor, 2008-08-06 01:23:13 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

During the first week alone, Ace was vital to the gaming win, taking second overall after Vardar. Those two gamed like there was no tomorrow, spending most of the week ripping apart their opponents. This is just a bit of the gratitude we owe you, Ace, for coming back and supporting your clan in such a monumental way. Great teamwork with Vardar. ~Anubis, AED of Ektrosis

In the time of war, there are bases that need to be covered for every platform; fiction, graphics, poetry, ACC, and gaming. Ace did more than his fair share in the first week of the Rite of Supremacy by covering his most beloved act of activity in the DJB and gamed. He not only gamed, he made sure Taldryan won the gaming event with an amazing percentage of matches won. So many in fact it pains me to count, so I won’t. Were it not for his efforts in gaming and his week 1 Fiction submission against CSP I don’t think Taldryan would be where we are now: 2nd Clan of the Brotherhood. For his unique and awesome dedication to the Clan, I am proud to award Ace with a Dark Cross. Thanks Ace, you rock. -Quaestor Shaz’air Taldrya Rathden Templar of Ektrosis, Clan Taldryan

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2010-02-15 22:05:56 UTC