Larrik Dul'vak

Equite 3, Rogues, Mercenary
Displaying events 141 - 160 of 342 in total
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

I’m honored to award my favorite Barabel, Zakath, his final merit medal today - a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. This serves both as a reminder and a promise towards his future. That hard work does not go without notice or thanks.

Since his last recognition, Zakath has submitted to fifty five (55) competitions, ran a competition, logged twenty three (23) PvP matches & sixty three (63) PvE activities, and submitted to seven fiction activities. For his effort, he has collected sixteen crescents (2 Cr-D, 3 Cr-R, 3 Cr-A, 3 Cr-S, 3 Cr-E, 2 Cr-T), four hundred and twenty one (421) Clusters of Fire, two hundred and eighty four (284) Clusters of Earth, sixteen Clusters of Ice (8237 words!), and three Pendants of Blood. In addition, he has completed twenty eight Shadow Academy courses - collecting 4 Dark Side Degrees.

While he recently transferred to House Qel-Droma, he served House Galeres as a stalwart member both in terms of activity and communication. He lurks (do lizards lurk?) on Telegram and keeps others motivated, participating, and talking. He is a vital cog in Arcona today, and a most worthy recipient of this award. Thank you, Ninj. We would not be as far along our journey without you.

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-12-07 03:43:32 UTC
Additional reasons

I’ve long been honored to serve with Zakath within the Nighthawk since it’s inception and within Galeres for even longer. He has always been a wealth of knowledge for members to use in receiving feedback for projects, ideas, characters and more. More recently he has taken this a step further by introducing a new type of competition to allow members to delve into the history of what events made their characters into what they are.

While Zakath never served as the Battleteam Leader or Sergeant of the Nighthawk, fictionally the character served as the Chief of Security, third in command so to speak of the Battleteam. In his time as a member of the Battleteam, Zakath helped develop several elements of the team, including portions of the Nighthawks that would later become part of the DJB Wiki - staff, crew and assisting other members in creating their place on the ship.

For your tireless efforts as part of the Nighthawk and part of House Galeres, Zakath it’s our honor to present you with the Grand Cross of the Darkside and wish you the best in your new role.

Thank you
Uji Tameike
Aedile of House Galeres

Fist Uji Tameike, 2015-12-06 20:06:04 UTC

Well it’s about bloody time, isn’t it mate?

When I took over as Battleteam Leader of the Nighthawk back in June of this year Zakath was one of the first people I really noticed. He was a constant presence, always available to bounce ideas off of and never short on speaking his mind. I like to think that his constant presence and ability to engage other members of the team is one of the reasons Nighthawk manages to be such an impressive unit activity wise.

It’s hard for me to list or cite all of the ways Zakath has helped me, helped his fellow members. His amazing return to activity has already been recognized by my betters multiple times, and that activity is impressive and awesome. But what impresses me is that he’s ready to help out his fellows at the drop of a hat, as shown in his recent departure from a team he’s helped nurture into an outstanding unit, to join one that needed someone with his experience and knowledge.

Ninj’s ability to exchange ideas, encourage participation, and generally be an all around great voice of reason make him one of the reasons Arcona is such a great place to be. I can wholeheartedly state that he’s among the reasons I enjoy myself on a daily basis in this Club, and I’m happy to help show the Clan’s appreciation with this Grand Cross.

About bloody time indeed, good job Zakath, you earned this.

Kordath Bleu
Rollmaster, Arcona

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2015-12-06 20:06:29 UTC

This guy. Dan recently has been putting most of us to shame with his newfound energy of an 11-year old kid with coffee and a six-pack of Mountain Dew on Halloween Night. But in all seriousness, he’s been doing a crazy amount of things. His activity has skyrocketed, and he has been a huge part of all of Galeras and Arcona. His recent promotion and plethora of awards are proof of that. Outside of that, he has been a great help within the Nighthawk crew, before he left and after. Continuing his activity with the Nighthawk Run-On, and making sure that he keeps his friends that are still aboard the Nighthawk, motivated and active. He makes my job look easy, and for that I believe his definitely deserving of this award. Thank you for all that you have done, and are doing! Congratulations, Z!

Rulvak Qurroc BTL of Battle Team Nighthawk

Ghost Rulvak Qurroc, 2015-12-06 20:06:50 UTC

Few things are more inspiring than to see a member truly shed their reservations, spread their metaphorical, pixely wings, and soar. While the man — lizard? — we bring before you today has no such feathers, he does have spirit, drive, and an incontrovertible will to improve himself and others around him. While his House leaders will talk stats, it is this attitude and effort that I wish to highlight.

Zakath — also called Ninj or Dan — is one of our older Equite members that did grand things in his time, from competing to leadership, before fading back a bit. Many of our clubmates of similar caliber have heard this story and know friends like these, who made some waves at some point and then settled in, content. Rarer, then, are the ones that reemerge, and do so with such a complete and total revolution. Zakath has been riotous in is activity over the last five months, but especially so in particular since took an interest in joining as one of the first mentees in our Mentorship Program. He immediately began participating in slews of competitions, trying his hand at writing and gaming and branching out to explore graphics, poetry, and trivia. He has completed 55 competitions in these last months alone, and while that volume is indeed astounding, it’s not where he stopped.

Zakath also wanted to become a producer and executor, not just a participator, and so went on to begin gathering ideas for competitions, gauging his clanmate’s wants and interests, and responding to their feedback. He has now finalized one new competition while reviewing and giving feedback on others (i.e. First Encounter: The Force, A Verse for the Hawk) as a practice exercise to better create more content. Furthermore, when his fellow House found itself in need of some new leaders, Zakath stepped eagerly up and took on the mantel of Battleteam Sergeant. Though it’s only been a short time, twelve days, his energy and developmental plans are nonetheless incredible, as well as his involvement in engaging his new members, planning team events with his Battleteam leader, and fictionally expanding the team itself.

A Grand Cross is awarded for outstanding caliber and exemplary work as a paragon amongst peers. I can think of few who match the description as well, now, as Zakath. Thank you for all your contributions, and, as ever, congratulations.

Atyiru Caesura Entar

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-12-07 03:43:01 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Ruby Star
XP Value
100 XP
Star Conflict PvP/PvE
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Star Conflict PvP/PvE competition.

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-12-07 01:49:28 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
35 XP
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

3500 words of fiction (Fiction Activities #1285 and #1303)

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-12-06 23:33:12 UTC
Event ID
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

Reaching Level 70 or a defined Paragon Level with a Diablo 3 character (Thana - Level 70) on or before 2015-12-06

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-12-06 23:31:13 UTC
Event ID
Pendant of Blood
XP Value
20.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For earning max Synergy in with Ships (Rank 10, 11, and 12) on or before 2015-12-06

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-12-06 23:31:04 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Amethyst Star
XP Value
75.0 XP (Full Value)
[Arcona] Chronicler of Arcona
Requested by
Primary reason

For achieving 2nd place in the [Arcona] Chronicler of Arcona competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Ossk, 2015-12-06 17:29:27 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
5 XP
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

500 words of fiction (Fiction Activities #1224 and #1285)

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-12-05 23:32:02 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Sapphire Star
XP Value
50.0 XP (Full Value)
Strands of Fate - Precious, My Precious...
Requested by
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Primary reason

For achieving 2nd place in the Strands of Fate - Precious, My Precious... competition.

Battlelord Mateus Kelborn, 2015-12-05 00:01:14 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Ice
XP Value
25 XP
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

2500 words of fiction (Fiction Activities #1206 and #1224)

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-12-02 23:32:00 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
5.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Mako Henymory
Primary reason

Participation in Monthly Gaming: JA

Mako Henymory, 2015-12-02 02:29:50 UTC
Event ID
Old Rank
VI: Inquisitor
New Rank
VII: Inquisitor
Requested by
Primary reason

Migrated from legacy data

dbb0t, 2015-12-02 00:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Old Order
New Order
Force Disciple
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

My character is evolving on his path, and at this stage of his character, has chosen to leave the Sith behind for personal reasons due to lack of control, and is slowly being mentored by Atyiru to accept other philosophies. Transitioning to a Dark Jedi path is a symbolic representation of that progress.

Larrik Dul'vak, 2015-11-29 10:03:41 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Diamond Star
XP Value
200 XP
Star Conflict PvP/PvE
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Star Conflict PvP/PvE competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-11-29 05:38:05 UTC
Event ID
Crescent with Diamond Star
XP Value
200 XP
Star Conflict PvP/PvE
Requested by
Maximus Alvinius
Primary reason

For achieving 1st place in the Star Conflict PvP/PvE competition.

The awards for this competition were upgraded due to high participation.

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-11-28 23:40:09 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
18.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completing Star Conflict Mission Matches on or before 2015-11-28

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-11-28 23:31:41 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
6.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

PvP matches played on or before 2015-11-28

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-11-28 23:31:15 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
10.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completing Star Conflict Mission Matches on or before 2015-11-27

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-11-27 23:31:17 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
1.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completing Star Conflict Skirmish (PVP) Matches on or before 2015-11-27

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-11-27 23:31:08 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
4.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

PvP matches played on or before 2015-11-27

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-11-27 23:30:47 UTC
Event ID
Cluster of Fire
XP Value
2.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

For completing Star Conflict Mission Matches on or before 2015-11-26

(Converted from Cluster of Earth)

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2015-11-26 23:31:23 UTC