- Event ID
- 33260
- Award
- Crescent with Quartz Star
- Quantity
- 1
XP Value
XP (Full Value)
- Competition
- Weekly Trivia
- Requested by
- Faeril Munlear
- Primary reason
For placing 3rd Place in the Jade Serpents Trivia #1 Competition. Congratulations! ~ JH Faeril Munlear, Tetrarch of the Jade Serpents
Faeril Munlear, 2007-12-09 22:56:04 UTC
- Event ID
- 95487
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
Jade Serpents
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2007-11-24 08:19:45 UTC
- Event ID
- 95486
- Source Unit
Ludo Kressh
- Destination Unit
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2007-11-24 08:19:45 UTC
- Event ID
- 66308
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 4)
- Requested by
- Tsingtao Ming
- Primary reason
Novice Pylarus, Dossier 9323, has completed his trials for advancement to the rank of Acolyte. Pylarus has satisfied the following requirements: Completed his character History and completing his MSN SA exam. As Aedile of House Ludo Kressh, I recommend Pylarus for promotion to Acolyte.
Tsingtao Ming, 2007-11-12 18:20:49 UTC
- Event ID
- 66024
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 2)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 3)
- Requested by
- Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
- Primary reason
Pylarus has completed 3 SA Courses, ACC Initiates, Conflict Mediation and Dark Brotherhood Basics, hereby earning him the rank of Novice.
KAP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Quaestor House Ludo Kressh
Clan Naga Sadow
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2007-09-25 18:12:12 UTC
- Event ID
- 80385
- Source Unit
- Destination Unit
House Ludo Kressh
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Pylarus, 2007-09-15 22:00:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 65881
- Old Rank
(Novitiate 1)
- New Rank
(Novitiate 2)
- Requested by
- Pylarus
- Primary reason
Migrated from legacy database
Pylarus, 2007-09-15 22:00:00 UTC