To think that I would reward Dralin another Steel Cross after he only just earned one recently for his Rollmaster work really says a lot about this guy. When Tarentum was downsized to a house, the wiki workload was intimidating and frustrating. When I asked for volunteers to help me with edits, Dralin was the only Tarenti to jump to the challenge, editing over ten pages including such crucial pages as the Tarentum history page and the Tarentum Prospectus page. In doing so, he had to sufficiently update articles with information, doing some intensive writing in several articles such as the history page in order to accommodate the changes and the current events in Tarentum.
Contrary to some people's beliefs, wiki work is not a field day and is not simply punching in a few edits. It takes a lot of reading, a lot of research, and a lot of concentration. In this case, Dralin has once again reminded me of what a vital asset he is to me and my unit. His work as an editor and as a writer is only a chunk of the talent he conveys on a daily basis. Thanks, Dralin, and enjoy having another merit medal.
General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-07-24 12:59:39 UTC