Character Snapshot (Dralin Fortea)

Character Snapshot for Savant Dralin Fortea (2018/01/25, Savant Dralin Fortea vs. Knight Ruka Tenbriss)

Savant Dralin Fortea

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Plagueis
Male Human, Force Disciple, Seeker
Height: 1.7 m / 5'7" - Weight: 77.0 kg / 170 lbs
Age: 31 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Dralin has pale, weathered skin and dark red hair that hangs down to his jawline, healthy but unmanaged. He still refuses to keep facial hair, but he allows himself a day or two of stubble in extreme circumstances. Two cybernetic eyes dominate his face, catching the light oddly in their matte black surfaces, punctuated only by green rings as a stand-in for irises. Creases at the corners of these eyes and on his forehead form readily for nearly any facial expression. He inherited his father's nose, whose bridge is slightly raised compared to the sharp tip, and his mother's mouth, which cuts a shapely line above a solid chin. Raised, yet shallow, cheekbones would complete the classical image of a man born to Imperial privilege, were it not for the years of spacer life stamped over it. His shoulders are broader for his height, but he keeps a trim runner's physique appropriate to his shape and size.

Loadout: Standard Loadout (Snapshot)
Travel and Remorseful Dialogue in Space (General Aspect)

Dralin has had years of wandering and bumping into strangers to provide greater perspective to his life, as well as ample introspection opportunities while floating through the boundless void. His ship is his home and his ticket toward the next experience that could expand his personal horizons. At the same time, his isolation aboard his ship has also left Dralin few close friends and allowed him to build up vast stores of guilt over the acts he has committed in the name of the Brotherhood and his own satisfaction, and their dark waters regularly attempt to drown him.

Kilometers to Go Before I Sleep (General Aspect)

Convinced that he must work to undo all the harm he has caused in his three decades of life, Dralin will not allow his path to be blocked or diverted. He drives himself forward using his determination to do better as a fierce engine, but if he's not careful he'll find himself burned up as its fuel. Dralin may have to crawl over the finish line, but he'll make it if it's the last thing he does.

Judge Me By My Sides, Do You? (Personality Aspect)

Dralin has always been a man of particular taste, and his personal discipline has always lent itself well to keeping a schedule. Treating his murderous astromech droid R3-D9 as a butler, Dralin will see to it that he has his afternoon tea and biscuits. He always finds the time for a habitual meal and follows his personal schedule to the letter. This is usually seen as an annoyance or a hindrance by those he travels with, but Dralin finds that it helps him keep cool and focused in a crisis.

Just Like Those Acorns, One at a Time (Personality Aspect)

Dralin believes that he is changing from the Dark Jedi he once was, and he believes anyone has it in them to do so as well. Perhaps, with enough personal effort, he could save his old friends, one at a time if he has to, and help them see a better path for themselves. Dralin's willing to put the time into this project, but that does mean supporting individuals who perform horrible acts, hoping that they will change. How many will be hurt by Dralin's hope for his friends?

Movement and Quiescence (Combat Aspect)

Dralin is no longer one to try to assert his crude will over the natural state of the world. As a master of Vapaad and Sliding Hands, Dralin's combat philosophy emphasizes placing trust in his instincts and intuitively seeking the ebb and flow of combat. When in a fight, Dralin walks with the Force, actions unplanned and at ease even when vicious. Though this keeps his demeanor almost disturbingly calm and makes him unpredictable, he can lose himself dangerously in the reactive nature of his styles as he seeks oneness with his environment.

Floats Like a Butterfly, Stings Like a Bee (Combat Aspect)

When locked in a struggle with another Force user, Dralin tends to be harsher than against mundane combatants, making liberal use of his telekinetic prowess. He punctuates his dodges and reversals with physical blows of power designed to keep his foes off-balance, and he doesn't hesitate to try to knock down barriers erected by them. This can be an exhausting way to fight, but Dralin often relies on the ability to strike from a distance to outweigh that cost.

Skill Feats
Droid Whisperer
Force Feats
Elementary Hammer Time Leaf On The Wind More Than A Feeling
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Seeking II Force Interrogation II Human: Eye Of The Tiger Order Feat: Force Disciple
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None