Grand Cross events for Shadow Zebina

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

Submitted on behalf of Ronovi: Huldrych, from the get-go, has been someone who wants to earn it all. So hopefully this medal will serve as a good reward in his eyes. And he's earned it; Huldrych was one of the most active ACC-ers during the ninth Great Jedi War, constantly accepting challenges and giving his all to each battle. While he did not win every battle he got, he put all of his effort into it, even when his busy schedule forced him to push extra hard to complete the challenge. Even then, he was able to submit to the poetry event and a few fiction events, as well as help Tarentum's run-on earn third place. Even with the GJW over, he still works hard for Cestus and for Tarentum, and it is looking like he is the worthy candidate for the Rollmaster position in his house. His work as BTL has been admirable, especially when he has to handle a lack of activity or cooperation from its members, and I am expecting him to have great ideas for the battle team's revamping. Huldrych is steadfast to his resolve, reliable, and incredibly creative, and those are great attributes for any member and future leader of Tarentum.

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2009-05-08 20:08:06 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Ji has thrown the dice and appears to have managed to secure a concept that will thrive in the DB. He has taken the time and effort to help build a House from scratch while also building a new identity into the DB (damn lighties). He has taken his own ideas and channeled them into a place where others may also share their won creative efforts. He has kept together a wide-range of members, many from different Clan-cultures in the DB and meled them into a new identity. While this experiment is still ongoing, Ji should be recognized for the efforts that were required to get it all up and running. As such, his is more than deserving of this award. Congratulations!

DJM Halcyon Taldrya Deputy Grand Master

There are some people who have brilliant ideas, wonderful work ethic, and the will to see it through, yet they meet a stone wall of stagnant traditions, of stuborn adherance to the old ways of failure. This is often a recipe for the most charred of burnouts. Thankfully, this is not what happened to Ji. Recognizing what he was dealing with, Ji left the place where he could not affect the changes that he wanted to see and grew his own future. Recruiting from the dead, the disenchanted, the fringe of our club and gambling it all on a concept that could very well go sideways on him in our club, Ji proved that without risk, there is no innovation. He's risked it all. And here we are, watching with interested eyes how this grand expirement works, to see if it survives the acid test of War intact, if it outlasts the novelty. So far, we've seen a lot of good coming from him. And today, I'm happy to encourage his efforts by way of a Grand Cross. ~Muz Ashen, your House's Grand Enemy.

Lord Halcyon, 2011-05-23 17:44:32 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Liam Torun-Urr
Primary reason

Ji is what one might call an icon of his House. Aside from being its initial Founder, alongside several other visionaries, he has been a stalwart soldier and a true believer in its cause. He is the type of member who stays, stubbornly, doggedly, defending what he believes in. Perhaps his best attribute, though, is humility; he bends when he needs to, and though he may be fiery and even harsh against opposition, he does it out of genuine love for Odan-Urr.

Ji fought hard for us in this Dark Crusade; I saw, at its beginning, a veteran of the House on the last legs of his hope. What he became throughout its course was an active, capable member. He became a visible presence on our Googlegroup, on IRC, and throughout our various forms of media. He rallied us together, not just calling on people to act but actually putting in on his own. All told, he not only netted us three entries more on the participation totals, but managed to score both a Gold and a Bronze Nova in the Advertising and Crusadeology events.

Beside his achievements in the Crusade, one only has to glance at Ji's DJB history to see the depths of his commitments. On top of his Novae, he has earned four Pendants of Blood in the last month alone, as well as a Dark Cross for participating in the Grand Master's "Ask the GM" report portion. He has netted himself 67 Clusters of Fire since his last Anteian Cross, which was awarded for heavy work on HOU's military. Continuing on his DJB History page, one sees a reliable string of awards and accolades - not always huge, or earth-shattering, but steadfast and consistent. He is here, he is active, and for months and years he has been one of Odan-Urr's only constant faces.

As a member, a leader, and a friend, Odan-Urr is lucky to have a person like Ji. He can be rough, rowdy, and quick-tempered, as so many of us can be; he does not let that stop him from being the best that he can be. Such activity requires a higher form of reward.

I recommend the Grand Cross of the Dark Side for Ji's efforts, and his continuing presence. Well deserved, my friend.

Liam Torun-Urr, 2013-12-01 18:26:48 UTC