Herald Report


Herald Report


The DV Staff has started forming. We hope to be ready to go soon. We need to sort out some of the more important details, but soon we'll be looking for the regular submissions of fiction, poetry, images, screenshots, and pretty much anything else along those lines.

I'm still looking for people to add to the staff, so if you want to be in and aren't - send an e-mail.


In other news, we're hammering out the new GoA gude. Along the lines of the ever popular Custom Lightsaber Guide, this reference tool will show what is and is not acceptable when requesting a GoA. Also a new request interface is being developed to make the requesting process easier for you.

IG COMP Nearly forgot to mention this... my comp for the IG will be held this weekend. I hope to have it SATURDAY NIGHT. Go here for info.

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td></td><td>Dark Jedi Master Kaine Archon Mandaala
Herald of the Dark Brotherhood

"Fear will keep order"</td></tr></table>

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