Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Sorry about the lateness of my report and my lack of online time again. RL has been kicking me around in the area of free time :P

DB Awol Check going on right now, go and login to the website to report in. Do it right now, before you finish reading this...

Independance Games are almosy over, go and play!

KMTs from May have closed, results soon I hope...

Blade sat down and began reading the morning Tally Times. He noticed that members of his phyle had been picked up the night before for obscene behaviour, but the question was who did it and what did they do?

Promos/Transfers/Awards/Leaves/Anything not already listed

None this week

Thats all I have for now, Stay tuned fellow Ekkies...

DJK Blade (Krath)TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan

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