<title>AED Report</title> </head>
(#17) AED Report: 5 June 03
Hey hey hey, its report time again...and there was much rejoicing.
The Independence Games are drawing to a close with just over two days left...an eternity in DB time. Plenty of time for you "slackers" to git off yer keisters and throw out a submission or two. (PC Cover-up: The term "slackers" is hereby, henceforth, yadda yadda yadda, used as a term of endearment and in no way is intended to offend said "slacker" or those who presume to be "slackers".) The KMT results for May are out, at least the awards are - and we lay in wait for June's topics.
There is a DB wide AWOL check in progress!!!!! ALL members are "marked" INACTIVE (AWOL) unless they log in to the DB site. After logging in to the DB site you will receive an e-mail that confirms that you are in fact, not AWOL. The e-mail is automatic thanks to a script by DA CyberGuy; and will arrive in your DB listed e-mail address with the subject "Removed from AWOL". The content of the mail will simply be, "You've successfully been unmarked from AWOL". It's that simple.
ALEEMA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
Welcome KP Maradis Jenkar to Aleema, SotN
KP Kuat has joined AoD
** Medals/Awards**
Crescent w/Ruby Star; 1st Place KMT (May) Fiction - KP Dalthid
Crescent w/Amethyst Star; 2nd Place KMT (May) Poem - KP Dalthid
Crescent w/Sapphire Star; 3rd Place KMT (May) Poem - DJM Arania Lawakiro
** Promotions**
None this week.
** Courses**
None this week.
OTHER INFO: [Added comments]
The Independence Games 2003 are still going, w/just over two days left!!! Details: IG'03
Interclub Training Event; every Saturday @ 4pm EST. mIRC - #Outerrim on Undernet
Series 2 Banners are done, but I have been asked to keep'em on ice a bit longer. It is just as well as I still have to make a few for our recent additions to the House.
Not available at time of report.
** BUCKET O' LINKS***<font size="2">: </font> *
<font size="2">DB PA</font>](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/galaxies/news.asp)<font size="2">
[DB News Page](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp)
<font face="Verdana"> DGM Site</font><font face="Verdana">
<font face="Verdana"> Krath Combat Center</font><font face="Verdana">
<font face="Verdana">Krath Order Site</font><font face="Verdana">
</font>Some Links may be down, it's not my fault

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