AED/House Report
Friday, June 06, 2003
greetings all;
Well with the stepping aside of Az as I dont feel he is stepping down, just over to watch his baby grow. Like a kid going to college there may be only so far I can go with the dream of #1 house but I will do what I can to acheive that goal. I humbly accept this joy of leadership of the House, and with that I will accept apps for AED you can send them to me [Log in to view e-mail addresses] I'll accept apps till next thursday
So I can get someone in place by the weekend I dont care what rank you are now if you think you want the job send me your plans & goals for the house and how you plan to acheive them.
Once again a week has passed & I must apologize for letting the house down I had this idea of starting more communication in the house with everybody sending mails on how their day has gone & even I fail to do that.
Now to the order of bussiness for this past week the May comps have ended & the medals have been recc'd for the winners, except for the silly/cool screenshot comp the KCCT is still reveiwing the entries & hopefully that will close the medals on that.
We are currently awaitng approval of the June comps so those haven't started yet, also the brigade Srgs have some comps going on so everybody gets to do something.
A major request here, I need to know what each master/student has done so we can see if a promo is in order for the student, activty awards for the masters & every body is happy & having fun!
If you dont have a master or a student lets see if we can get you hooked up & get you a promo by being active. In case you missed it the promo guide can be found at Now keep in mind this is a guide, most of it isn't set in stone, it's there as a reference guide so you all can see what WE would like to see for activity; if your active & getting shiny things & new clothes aren't you happy?
If you can't find a master find your Srg if you can't find your Srg there is my lovely dail up conn we can toy with. Its fun putting in recc's for promo's believe it or not. I like to see you guys do your best & get a shiny saber to put on your doss!
I guess now would be an opportune time to plug the sites you should already have bookmared & visit at least every half hour (LOL) so you can stay current in DB news & happenings:
csk news [keep an eye here for war room updates]
Obbie news. Read it Love It or Sharad will be unhappy
I beieve I plugged every one,,,,,,Oh wait a super huge anouncement I can't believe I didnt include earlier *WW got married !!!! *
now off to play some platform gaming this sat & sun yes thats right sunday to is a big Battlegrounds toodoo the DB has been invited to attend so go blow stuff up !!! for 2 days.
OBL Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto
GCx2/(SC-SoP)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-1E/CF/SoL {SA: G:P2-G:LS-O:CORE}
Star Wars RPG like you've never seen before!!
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