Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Guess what Gladius? Time for yet another round of Too much time, and not

enough for Sithie to do. Yep, you guessed right, it's House report time.

Aren't we all little excited Krathies?

We've got a new member in the House, or, rather, a returned member! :) Novice

Alexi Vonelv has returned to the House. I'm sure I speak for everyone, Alexi,

when I say we're all glad you're back. And we look forward to seeing you

writing with us again.

The Exodus run-on is still going on at the message boards. Go read it, and

write in it, too! This is all about us, and it's a good way to help everyone

get to have a greater feel for writing each other in our stuff. I really

can't say how much of a difference it makes to people for grading anything

when they notice you have a strong familiarity with your House, and can write

other people successfully. And, in a run-on, it makes it flow more smoothly,

too. If we can all be participating in this, you'll make me happy, and we'll

all get better at writing with each other.

The AWOL check is still going on. Log in to the site! We've still got 4

people who haven't yet checked in, and I know one of those people has had a

hard time with being active, to which I hope I can help solve their problems

with wanting to be active, but I want all of you who haven't yet logged in to

do so, please. I really want to keep everyone who's here from getting flushed

when the AWOL ends. Go, do now. :) Make me proud. Or something.

I'll be working on a new House Comp idea, and although I'm not certain of the

exact extent, it will have at least three different phases, and it'll be

focussed around the subject of "Strength in Unity," among other things.

As many of you all know by now, Ziguarath is our new Consul. I'd hope you'd

all either email him, or go to the topic at the Clan forum and congratulate

him. For those who don't know, Zig's email is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and yes,

he doesn't bite too much. He's a good guy, and if you need help, he'll be

there to do what he can to help this Clan shine.

And, as far as other news, it's all relatively worth at least glancing over.


And I think I had more to write, but unfortunately, my mood just went to

hell. I think I'm gunna go be depressed and alone for a while, about like I

usually do. I'll be around IRC, most likely, if anyone needs me. Talk to you

all soon.

-KE Sith Bloodfyre

Quaestor of Gladius

Praetor to the DGM

All-around swell guy

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