House Korrian Weekly report
Well folks.......
activity level on IRC has been better this week aswell as on the messageboard. I would like to see more of you on #clanexarkun!
Also, I ran a weekly Funny screenshot comp for the 2nd time and got an entry from Reza! What was a good one called "double the darkside" and a shiny DC will be awarded to Reza.
Another Funny screenshot comp(JK/JO) will be held today till monday so everyone get your entrys in!
On other notes a Promotion this week and that was to me from Dark Jedi Knight to Warrior so i'll like to thank Khan for the new rank.
The Motto Contest (Clan wide) ended last week and it took khan a whole week before establish the one and chosed ACO Sinjin one : Imperium et fidelitas - Power and Loyalty
well done! Sinjin
Finally i would like to see more recruitment for the house and you could try zone or somewhere similar for members.
OW Vally Tamalar (Obelisk)/QUA/Korriban of Exar Kun [GMRG: RM]
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