Dark dudes and dudettes,
Ooohhh look at this! I've actually don a report! But is this one late, or just really early? :P
Lots of changes happening all over the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. In case you didn't realise, all the BattleTeams in the Clan have been closed, and all members are under the direct control isn't the right word direct... direction of the Quaestor. Corde is away at the minute with back problems, meaning that Lorad is da daddy. (**Cooch pats his student's head). JKast is away doing school stuff (crappy exams) as is Magus and although Mage is away doing the same thing, he's about more. So it's me and Lorad. (Go do Desmos's competition!!)
ECHO! ECHo! ECho! echo
The newly appointed HM Kaiann is looking for mission designers for the Sith type people, so if you have any knowledge of this and want to lend a hand drop him a line at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] .
I'd still like to see more responses to the audit emails I sent out last week. I realise that many of you are having a very busy time with school / college, but it would be nice to see a few more replies. Weekends have been hectic for me recently, so I haven't been able to get to the Inter Club training events properly, and even I haven't answered the audits, but I will do so tonight. This weekend I am away again, but then I have a few weekends off where I'll be about a lot more. Woo-hoo! (Go do Desmos's competition!!)
Trev obviously doesn't think that he bores us enough and has put together what is actually a very good DB history. Go check it out here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dsc/a_history_of_the_brotherhood.html . I've had a quick scan and can't find any mention of a certain handsome Consul anywhere, so it mustn't be a complete history :P
And, after all the crap that's been happening at a high level continually between the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and Emperor's Hammer since the split, Mav has posted all of the information on the Message Board. Too see all the info in it's uncut form (something you're unlikely to see in the EH), check it here: http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=523 (Go do Desmos's competition for frik's sake!!)
Crap that'll be at the bottom of all my reports:
IRC: should you not have an IRC program, let me know and I will tell you how to download it and install it and then run it so that you can speak to the rest of us happy little cyber-geeks. Channel #Scholae is now being used by us. JKast is working on getting X in there.
The official DB JK2 server up and running. How cool? The IP is, and the password is dbpimps. More information can be found at http://www.minos.net/~obelisk/servers.php but if you need any help connecting and stuff, I'll explain it to you.
Important Links:
Clan Scholae Palatinae Web Page: http://crusader.digitalrics.com/csp/
Clan Scholae Palatinae Message Board: http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/default.asp?CAT_ID=7
Dark Jedi Brotherhood: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org
Dark Side Compendium: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dsc.asp
Vision and Mission Statement: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/mission.asp
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Rules: http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=367
Lorad Desmos' Super Power Comp! Go do this now!!!
Lorad has released a Clan competition. What you have to do is write a story where you suddenly receive a super power for a full day. No more no less. Send all submissions to Lorad at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Clan Systems change - VERY Important:
I've been giving people crap about how long this is taking to get approved. We've had the information posted on our section of the message board for ages and I also sent it to the relative people, and they're complaining that stuff hasn't been sent. Ho-hum! Hopefully they'll have given it the thumbs up this weekend, so that we can get on with the other competitions I have planned that stem from this.
Inter-Club Training Event - Cool!
Mav has organised a training event which should become a regular event. Part of this will be the clubs we have allied with, the Star Vipers and the Rebel Squadrons being the main ones, but there are a few others too. What is going to happen is that on Saturday May 17th at 4pm EST (think that's 9pm GMT) in Undernet channel #Outerrim there will be loads of other people waiting to take part in every multiplayer Star Wars game you can think of. This is not supposed to be a competition, but is there for gaming and fun. Check out all the details at http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=314
Krath Monthly Topics:
Even through they are Krath MT's, you Sithies and Obbies can do them too, and it would be good to see you do them. This months topic for the fiction is "Judgment", and is to be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] whereas this month's poetry is to be titled "Seven Deadly Sins" and is to be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] .
Fight Nights!
A series of JK competition nights have been worked out by the Shadow dude, full details on the DJB.org news page so it's easier for you to read it from there instead of my adding it here. The best way to get into a fight (apart from stealing my alcamahol supplies) is to sit in the Obelisk channel on IRC (funnily called #Obelisk) and shout at people until they fight you.
KE Cuchulain (Krath)/CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
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