Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report


Once more.

[HPG]Rollmaster Report #5 - The special "No comment rant" edition.

Roster changes:

GRD KiwiBuzzsaw Has left us for the Rogues. He sez he'll be back some time!

Have a good life, buddy!

Medals & Other Awards:

Rai got a a Silver Nova for that big thingy comp that everyone is waiting

for the results to be released!

JH Myrrkal Mysticsith has been awarded a Dark Cross! Yay him!

Courses Passed:

  • None that I'd know of (again times 3)

Various' Issues:


Var's Latin Lesson of the Week:

Noone cares. Nothing here.

Var's Reportly special:

Well. Since there wasn't a single submission from ANYONE to the past 10 days

competition, I will not hold the one that it was for either.

May others do what nobody cares about.

Fire me, Rai, yell at me, do whatever you want. You didn't submit anything

either, so I don't really give a bunch of Bantha droppings if anyone doesn't

like it.

I might consider doing it when I'm in a better mood. Or IF I am. Take your


Moodily submitted,

DJK Var Zoraan (Obelisk)/RM/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow




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