Main thing - the ACE competition. Whenever i back up or the info i poted elewhere, whatever come first, I'd like you all to try it out! It' cool, it' fun, and it's activity!
New activity for the heck of it - fly the new DB battle - one about Arcona and one about Galthain! You can find them both at
Thi isn't to get a high core or be the first to ubmit, but to fly and give feedback about the missions to the SHW and hi minions! It will all cont towards your activity liting for promotion and award, o get going!
Then, CSK rocked the IGs, folks! And this is to no small part due to Galthain!
Night Grue easily won #31 due to no one else bothering to do it! Great job! He also got 2nd in #30! Vessicant won #3o, again, no one but thoe two bothered to participate. That tells u we are great, we are super, but we'd probably be able to grab the other medal here, too, had some more of us done anything :o) We'll remember that for the next time.
And then the question of the day - which key i it that i currently not working properly on my ever annoying keyboard? :o)
We rule!
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