LCH Report
I know this is extremely late... Or early, depending in how you look at it... :P However, the reason for it being late is the fact that I had to figure out the best way to judge the banner competition I ran. ;) Every banner I've received has been posted on the LCH website under the Link Exchange section. Now, for the results:
1st Place- Cr-D - DJM Kaine Mandaala
2nd Place- Cr-R - DJM Mejas Doto
3rd Place- Cr-A - KP Jason Hunter
Special thanks go out to everyone who submitted images, including Mage, Gord Darkonian, William Flechette, Kelric, Night Grue, and Dalthid. If I missed anyone, I apologize.
-Thanks to Yacko, the DB has been enrolled in a JK1 Week of War. This event is being awarded double CFs on a scale of two for each victory and one for every two losses. If you want to find out more about the event, see Yacko's post at
-Both the IRC guidelines for behavior and the Dark Covenant (DB Rules) have been updated and posted on the message board. You can find the IRC Guidelines at <a href=">, while the Dark Covenant is posted at <a href=">
-My office is done, for the most part. I'm still working out kinks in it and all, but you can view it at . I plan to evantually make it work with tables. But I'm exceptionally lazy, so that might.. take some time :P Additionally, for William Flechette's excellent graphics and help in getting ideas, running the LCH office, and just general support in the past few weeks, I have awarded him a Grand Cross of the Dark Side! Congrats, Flechie. :)
-Currently the Dark Brotherhood is being logged and added to various search engines across the Internet. Additionally, many members are hard at work consuling other organizations in an attempt to create link exchanges with the DB. Evantually, I will have a program for a banner exchange set up on, but for now, we've provided a number of banners for use by sites wishing to link to us. :)
-As you all know, the DB is now an EH enemy. We are NOT creating an "Enemy List" to place them on, however, we are going to ignore the EH. More on this is posted on
-The first issue of The White Phoenix, a small journal of satirical DB news, has been released by DJK Darkfire. Check it out at
-I'll be going on leave starting Wednesday of this week. I'll be around until Friday, but after that, I'm going to be gone for ten days. I'll be back on July 1st. In the mean time, any and all emails to me should be CC'd to Jac so that he can handle anything that needs immediate resolution :)
-#DB Stats has been moved to Update your booksmarks! :P
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If every banner you received went on to the Link Exchange, how come mine aren't there? Are they that bad? :P