Greetings all;
This has been a hard decesion to make I had 4 very good applications. I would like to thank Arso, Exodius, Karius, and Talon for taking the time to apply. Once I got into the selection phase I saw a leadership void in Kirleta & I had 4 willing candiates but only one AED position. You see the quandry I found my-self in. I had one person I saught advise from tell me 'to bad you can't be your own AED.'
So what I have done for the next week was reveiw the applicants interveiws & aplications & found what I felt is the best solution for the house. I will take what Az started & make it grow.
I have chosen OW Arso to fill the AED role; to fill the Crimson Dawn SRG spot cleared by Arso stepping up I have chosen Karius to lead the Brigade, a new postion I have created this week is where the house begins its growth spurt, Talon I have chosen you to be the master trainer in house Kirleta what this entails is more of a "Head Master" but that title is in use else-where (I didn't think I could get the DC to let it go & change the DC postion) As Nov's or ACO's come out of the SA into Kirleta Talon will be responsible for getting a master for the student. Either through requests of those DJK & above or assigning if needed {I hope it's not needed}*HINT *HINT.
Also the master trainer will be getting the training info together form the various masters on a weekly basis and submitting a report on wed of which students acheived growth in the darkside by completing extra coruses in the SA and fulling promo requirements, speaking of which here is the guide again:
<table border="3"><tr><td> -> House Kirleta Promo Guide <- </td></tr><tr><td>Nov. to ACO. complete history</td></tr> <tr><td>ACO. - PRT. 1 training nights & 3 cf's in #obelisk chan comps or 3 matches with srg and 2 months in rank</td></tr> <tr><td>PRT. - GRD. 3 training nights & 6 cf's in chan comps or 1st,2nd,3rd in house comp and 3 mo in rank</td></tr> <tr><td>GRD.- JH. 1st or second in house comp & 5 training nights or 20 cf in DB events 3 mo in rank</td></tr> <tr><td>JH. - DKJ. 1st or 2nd place in official DB comps in #obelisk, 6 mo in rank; active in recruiting mebers & help train troopers in training nights 5 times</td></tr> <tr><td>OW. & up please the CON & P:CON with activity</td></tr></table>
Now if you notice there are only 2 ranks where there is a manditory time in rank:
Nov-Aco & JH-DJK the first is set due to a learning period of who is who & how thing work in CSK & the DB as a whole, the second is more a representive of the time it takes to build the saber you ge to put on your doss. You should take time & review the choices that are available & be happy befor you just pick the obbie hilt & be done with it.
But I digress, Talon I will be sending a more detailed outline of the duties asap.One more appointment I have tonight befor I get on to other business, Exodius I will be putting you on the Kirleta Comp Creation team expanding it from 3 members to 4 with the AED and the 2 SRG's on it I feel the house will be greatly helped by Exodius' abilities here. With the placement of Exodius I would like to make a shift in the current assignment for the KCCT although Arso as AED will head the KCCT I want Exodius to make weekly reports due on Wed of the current comp status and any pending comps & hints at upcoming events.
More house business; Dalthid our new P:con is putting together a training night Friday. The time hasn't been nailed down yet, but show up on Friday & look for some training time Srg's are encouraged to attened to help out the students in your brigades, ### This part is for the clones in the house!! GET ACTIVE! ok you opted in from the awol check now show me your sabers as they say at my work in RL "DO SOMTHING GUYS"
Don't forget the freindly fire comp in #outerrim go meet our new neighbors & beat them up, with a smile.
Remember to check the DB news page for the latest breaking news.
Check out the #obelisk news & comp calender
If is working you can check The clan site which is also where you can sign up for the ctf ladder if the coding error has been fixed.
Last but sweetest of all is our home on the web go there to find this report & the Aed report posted if you cant find it on the db site. Also I'm working with cofo to make sure all members of the KCCT can make posts on the news page so we dont really need a new comp site we can & should use the site we have. Saying that you can delete the comp site I created for the May comps from you book marks.
Oh yeah one more thing the DB MB everyone should go find the Kirleta board & make sure they are signed up to use this board as a comp will be running here soon.
If anyone is still awake you can go now
OBL Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto
GCx2/(SC-SoP)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-1E-1S/CF/SoL {SA: G:P2-G:LS-O:CORE}
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