Krath Monthly Topics - January


Krath Monthly Topics - January

Here it is gals and gents...


"Hymn to Pain"
Style: Limerick
Min: 1 page
Max: 3 pages
Font: Arial, size 12

Describe a painful experience your DB character has gone through. You can adapt a real life situation if you wish, or adapt a role-playing situation or the like.



Style: Short Story
Min: 2 pages
Max: 10 pages
Font: Arial, size 12

You feel a strange twang in the back of your head. Something is not right at your Clan's HQ. You leave your studies and investigate, only to find a horror beyond horrors stalking your fellow clanmates! You track it, trying to keep out of sight, but you fail. The horror has found you!

Use this and write an interesting, original short story. The more unique and interesting, the better!

I don't have a Clan HQ, so... I'll fudge it. :P

Mage = fudge packer? :P

I was gonna say you could use Arcona's HQ... but now that you're a fudge packer, i'm not so sure anymore.

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