Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


<title>PCON Report</title> </head>

(#1) PCON Report: 21 June 03

Report #1 for me. I have finally been moved to the appropriate location on the roster. In the past I have been rather thorough with disseminating information through my reports when the information is available (if I do say so myself), and that is something I would love to continue now. My goal is to cover enough information that it only leaves our CON to add his thoughts for the week :) after all, we don't really want to read his nonsense anyway :P

As you can see, I have reverted to the once enjoyed, and I feel - "lost tradition" - of the "CSK Grey" report, although I did have quite a time deciding if I wanted to spell it "Grey" or "Gray" and I opted for the British spelling, although I have no idea why.

I had wanted to do a training night last night, one where I was assuming that I would get stomped w/JK2. I got into #obelisk around ten after six (pm) and waited there until about quarter 'till eight - needless to say, I got tired of waiting and left. I am not in the least bit dismayed, as it was a last minute type thing anyway...I just hope that the lack of participation is not what I have to look forward to.

Anyway, this report will be fairly brief as I still need to get caught up on what is going on around here. I will put in information that I know of, but I won't play any guess work because I don't want to give out the wrong information. Thanks for reading and thanks for being in the greatest Clan ever. If anyone needs ANYTHING - do not hesitate to ask.

One more thing: It would be nice to see the reports from all facets of CSK (Houses, Battleteams/Phyles) come on a more regular basis. It is hard to track information when there is nothing current to go by. If you are going on an LOA - leave someone the task for as long as you need to. If you belong to a BT/Phyle that isn't putting out a report on a regular basis, then it is possible that you may have been getting overlooked for rewards - so get on your leadership to make the information public. Right now this is only a suggestion, unless "my boss" agrees with me :)


ALEEMA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]

Accepting applications for QUA and AED.

KP Enahropes new TET of Angels of Death phyle.

Aleema promotion guidelines can be found here

** Medals/Awards**

(IG'03) Cr-1D [x5] - DJM Arania Lawakiro

(IG'03) Cr-1D [x4] - KP Dalthid

(IG'03) Cr-1R - DJM Arania Lawakiro

(IG'03) Cr-1R [x3] - KP Dalthid

(IG'03) Cr-1R - KP Maradis Jenkar

(IG'03) Cr-1A [x4] - DJM Arania Lawakiro

(IG'03) Cr-1A [x2] - KP Dalthid

(IG'03) Cr-1A - PRT Dar en Kendrath

Cr-1E; Arcona NHNB Competition - PRT Mirei Seppen

** Promotions**

Dar en Kendrath elevated to Guardian (GRD) - congratulations!

** Courses**

None this Week.


KIRLETA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]

OW Arso has been appointed as new AED for Kirleta.

Kirleta promotions guidelines can be found here.

** Medals/Awards**

(IG'03) Cr-1R - JH Dufar Jabar

** Promotions**


** Courses**



GALTHAIN INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]


** Medals/Awards**

(IG'03) Cr-1D - DJK Vessicant

(IG'03) Cr-1R - DJK Vessicant

(IG'03) Cr-1D - GRD Night Grue

(IG'03) Cr-1R - GRD Night Grue

** Promotions**


** Courses**



OTHER INFO: [Added comments, DB events]

Competition Approval can be gained through logging in to the DB site. Only specific persons currently have the right to run comps.

Interclub Training Event; every Saturday @ 4pm EST. mIRC - #Outerrim on Undernet

There is a new DGM site up here, go check it out.

Exodus Competition still going. For details go here.

New DB history here.

The ACC's coding is @ 70-75% complete, per DA CyberGuy.

** BUCKET O' LINKS***<font size="2">:  </font> *

  <font size="2">DB PA</font>](<font size="2">  

  [DB News Page](  

DB Message Board


  [DGM Site](  

  [KHP Site](  

SHW Site
OHC Site

Dark Voice

Some Links may be down, it's not my fault



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