Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Greetings BoF .

Well first of all I want to say that I'm happy about the activity on #Tarentum IRC channel I can also see that most of you have logged in on the DB webpage however we have 3 exeptions : Nov Darchtra , Grd Eoth Kunn and Planesdrifter . Well that was all about activity and no promotions or medals have been awarded this week . Now let's get in details with the 5 hours Jk2 training comp.

So the rules are : 10 Frags (Kills and -1 kill doesn't count so if you fall and die don't worry)

                     The competiton is only between members from the battle team so be there !  

                     The game scoring is calledl last man standing and I'm going to give full detailes on IRC .  

                      Medals awarded : 1st Place : Crescent with Quartz Star  

                                               2nd Place : Crescent with Emerald Star  

                                               3rd Place :Crescent with Topaz Star   

Well rules can be modified but don't worry you will be notifyed if any changes occur .

The time changed from 6.00 PM GMT to 4 PM GMT because I have an exam on Saturday and I want to go to bed early so please understand me . The channel where it will take place the competition is #Cestus on undernet servers .

Ok now the roster :



Eoth Kun>>>>>>>>>>>>>Guardian

Ryo Akaine>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dark Jedi Knight

Blade Drana>>>>>>>>>>>>>lProtector

Talon Zetar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dark Jedi Knight


Sithie v 2.0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Acolyte


That was all for this week BoF and I expect at least 6 of you to take part in this competition .

                                                                    Sincerly ,  

                                                                      Your sergeant ,  

                                                                        2265 DJK X-Pilot out .

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