Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Byss Quaestor Report

The chambers of Bant Komad reflected their owner perfectly: small, durable and with purpose. The room was situated on the outer rim of the fortified citadel of House Byss, on the planet of Eden. Around him, the chamber was decorated in whites, beiges and creams, all the furniture was minimalistic but comfortable, and the dimunitive Nimdan sat cross-legged, eyes closed in meditation.

Before the Epis, a small, spherical droid twittered and beeped. This was Bants journal, and as the time came, it spoke to him…

“What News, Jedi Bant?”

ØExar Kun is in grave danger with lack of members.

ØThe AWOL Check is no complete: Only NOV Kael has been removed.

ØKhan is our new house Envoy until someone else accepts the job.

ØThe Independence Games are now closed and all but one events have been marked.

ØExar Kun’s webiste is ready!

ØThe Dark Covenant – the rule of the Brotherhood, are now updated and available to read on the main DB page.

ØThere is a dangerous WORM virus on the loose, check out the details at: http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=543

“What of the House?”

ØYours truly has been awarded 2nd place in the Leaders competition of the Independence Games, for receiving the second most submissions to my event (40).

ØThere is talk that Exar Kun may be made into an Independent House rather than a full Clan, because of the member shortage. I do not like this idea, but support it as it may be the only way to keep Exar Kun alive, and once we have enough members, the Clan can be re-instated. Ironically, this is the same situation throughout the DB. Email CON Khan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with your thoughts. If it happens, I will become the TET of the Krath phyle of Exar Kun.

ØNOV Lugh Luanna has taken on the task of building Byss’s website, and he has shown me his previous work, so I am very keen to see the finished product, which will be excellent! He estimates 2 weeks till completion.

ØWe have an egroup – [Log in to view e-mail addresses] - that is for all members to use. I would like to see it utilised more than it currently is!

ØSignatures, Crests and Portraits are being found for all current and future Byss members. If you wish to find your own, check http://www.renderosity.com. Use them in official communications, and send them to myself for cataloguing, if you desire.

ØThe identity of House Byss has been made out as the spies, informants and information gatherers of the Dark Brotherhood. With this in mind, we can tailor our writings, beliefs and works to fit this unique ‘flavour’.

“What activities are there?”

ØThe In Charatcer and Out Of Character Message boards are required to be submitted to by all members every week. The In Character board describes you characters activities for that week and the Out Of Character is for your thoughts and what you have been really doing. This will boost writing skill and Character development, and hopefully, loyalty. The link is http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=11. These are not being used enough! It is now mandatory to use them as the guidelines above state.

ØCON Khan is running a fiction competition. Write the story of how Alvaak removed itself from the thrall of Grand Admiral Ronin and became Clan Exar Kun in all its glory. If you don’t know what happened, because you are new, please contact me and I shall summarise the main events. See the Exar Kun website for details.

ØKrath Monthly Topics: Story – Titled ‘Judgement’, write whatever comes to mind from that topic, must be less than four pages, submit to Arion ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Poem – Titled ‘Seven Deadly Sins’, Must be seven verses. (This doesn't necessarily mean one sin per verse unless you want.) No restrictions on poem type or length of verses. The seven deadly sins = Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth. Submit to Alanna ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by 30th June.

ØWrite a story about the split of the DB from the EH from your characters perspective, entitled ‘Exodus’ and submit it to KHP Alanna. Minimum of 2 pages, Arial 12pt font.

ØHOUSE COMPETITION: Create a psychological profile of Bant Komad. Submit to Bant Komad ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by Saturday 28th June. No limits on length, but must be .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Winner receives a Cresent with Amethyst Star.

“Has anyone excelled or failed impressively?”

ØDJK Brenn is producing an interesting piece of fiction but for some reason lacks activity anywhere else, however he has now reported in. I would like to see him become more active in the House, but he is currently constrained by the management of his own business, so I wish him success in that! He has also recently re-vamped his DB Jedi persona, in a fabulous and effective way.

ØPRT Sinjin has won the Exar Kun motto competition, has achieved 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in 3 IG Events as well as being active all round, minus the mandatory IC Activity Board.

ØGRD Erryc Lasiter has returned from a LoA.

ØNOV Nyght Garou has transfered out.

ØNOV Lugh Luanna is currently building a website for House Byss!

“What are your thoughts?”

ØI worry about Exar Kun being made a House. If this is to happen, then it will be repeated throughout the brotherhood because of the lack of members. In my opinion, it is better to remain structured by small than small and concentrated. However, if it will improve activity and help the DB, so be it.

“Any parting directions?”

ØDark Brotherhood Home Page – http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

ØDark Brotherhood Message Board - http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/

ØClan Exar Kun Homepage - http://www.lorddarthkhan.supereva.it/clanexarkun/index.htm

ØClan Exar Kun Message Board - http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=12

ØHouse Byss Message Board - http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=11

ØShadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html

ØKrath Homepage - http://www.harpoen.nl/~jam3z/krath/page.php?page=home

Yours In Tenebrium,

KE Bant Komad (Krath)/QUA/Byss of Exar Kun,


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