House Kirleta Report
Saturday, June 28, 2003 10:24:13 AM
Greetings once agian all; This week has been very quite all around, kinda like the quite befor a storm. Cause soon there will be a fued rolling & we will need every swining saber to represent.
Earlier this week Srg Dufar had mailed me requesting to step aside from his roll as Vashino Srg but not leave the house I have replaced him with Bane to carry on the greatness of Vashino.
I have rec'd FTP permission from CoFo to add a few levels to the war room site so look for those soon if you have a level of mod you wanna see there let me know & I'll look into getting it there.
Make sure you swing by the DB news site to check on all things important db wide. The OHC postiton is open if you think you can fill the shoes of teh Obelisk High Commander & I belive we have a few inhere that could, so go appply, see the post on the main news page on who you need to mail your app to. is still down so I won't give you dead links to go look at. so our clan home is down & the obbie site is down also.
But our home sweet home is still up & rolling.
Now on to a more rough subject, I only rec'd one report this week form you guys how is the master/student program website coming? Are you Srg's in need of something? Where is the AED report?
Ok that is my rant for now on to the report I did rec'd:
Well, first off, congrats to all the people getting new positions and stuff. And no, I'm not talking about myself.
Anyway, now to my report, which speaking of, I'm not sure if this what he was talking about or not, but since I haven't been on too much this week, I'll do this anyway.
First off, we have the run on, which is on themessage board. And this one is a good one too. The story has tons of promise. What we need are the SGT's posting for the start of it. And don't forget, if you are going to use someone else's name, be sure to get their permission first. As for me, my Vashino buddies have my consent already.
Second comp we have approved is an all platform event. It involves CTF like games, like Hydroball and the like. Cresents for the winners, so get a team together and sign up at the ladder site or send the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] your team list.
And lastly, this one is an easy one... A RECRUITMENT DRIVE!!. That's right, we need people in Kirleta, and we need them bad. So bad, that we are giving cresents to the top 3 and anyone who gets 5 recruits gets a Dark Cross. However, it is not clear how to prove that yet, but hopefully, Waza will clarify for us later.
That's it on the competition's going currently. Now, for future competitions, I do have a few ideas and I'll just give you guys some heads up and hopefully, they get approved for July or August. We might have another screenshot competition, but with funny captions or a funny screenshot period. I don't know yet, I will work out the details later.
Anyway, that's it for now. And just to let you know, I will not be around next week or the week after. I have a trip to Colorado for a wedding with my fiancee's family. I will be back around the tenth, so my report then will be late. I might have to get someone to cover for those two weeks though. But we shall see. Anyway, lets get cracking on those competitions!
PRT Exodius(Obelisk)/TRP/Kirleta of Satal Keto Cr-1Q/CF {SA: G:P1-G:P2-O:CORE}
In additoin to the DC's & House clusters you get for being the top 3 recruiters, for everyone you recruit you earn the Scroll of Indoctrination (SoI) for recruiting them. This is a chance to pick up major awards & shinies for your robes.
These comps will be extended past their dead line since it has taken so long to get the info to the house. Now Srg's go post on the MB on what your brigades are doing & get in those drop ships & motivate your troopers.
OBL Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto GCx2/(SC-SoP)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-1E-1S/CF/SoL {SA: G:P2-G:LS-O:CORE}
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