Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Greetings BoF .

Well this week some "interesting" events happened but first I would like to start with the activity . Well it turns out to be good , most of the people are active on IRC but a little Jk2 fighting never hurt anyone so BoF I expect you all to participate in the Jk2 comps held every Saturday in #Outerrim . Now the interesting thing . As some of you might know , PRT Volant , I mean Volant has caused some problems on the IRC channels and he wouldn't stop when he was told to . So if you check the dossier you will see him no more . Don't worry I was getting to the interesting part . We have a new member in BoF , he is :Nov Blane . Welcome aboard mate :D . Good to have you in BoF I know you will be a good member and an active one . Ok now here's how the roster shapes up :



Eoth Kun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Guardian

Ryo Akaine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dark Jedi Knight

Blade Dranal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Guardian

Talon Zetar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dark Jedi Knight


Sithie v 2.0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Acolyte


Medals/Promotions : This week Blade got a Cr/w Quartz for being on 1st place in the 5 hour Jk2/1 competition held by me . Again Blade got promoted from PRT to GRD . Grats dude , you been a good member and you were active almost all the time . You deserve it ;) .Well that was all for this week . Expect more competitions next week . I'll notify you all if we're going to have a competition or not .

                                                                      Sincerly ,  

                                                                         Your sergeant ,  

                                                                            2265 DJK X-Pilot out  

DJK X-Pilot (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum


{SA: G:P1-G:P2}

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