<title>PCON Report</title> </head>
(#3) PCON Report: 5 July 03/ The Deadly Rant
Well, another week down. Lets talk about rank...shall we? Great! Here he
goes again! _There are a bunch of folks in CSK who have met or exceeded
various requirements for promotion. Some are just waiting for their time to be
up...let me tell you that, if you are worth it to us, that can be "dealt with".
So, how do you become "worth it" to us? _That's a damn fine question, I'm glad
I asked it. You become worth it to us by being part of the Clan...not just a
name on the roster. Speaking of which - if being just a "name" on a roster
was awardable...some of you guys would be Dark Jedi Masters by now. Needless
to say that I am a bit bummed about*...what?...yea, I said "bummed"...stop
interrupting...* the levels of activity in this Clan. It was definitely a
sheltered existence in Aleema where the same few of us kicked ass all of the
time - I didn't realize that us few in Aleema were the only active ones in the
Clan. _Now, don't go getting your panties in a bunch..._I know there are
other active folks in CSK, I applaud your efforts. But doesn't it suck just a
bit when we are the ones doing the work? I have devised a bit of a plan of sorts
to combat this frustration toward the lack of activity...y'know what that plan
is?...Nothing. Good plan, huh? Yep, that's right...I am going to do nothing
about it...EXCEPT - keep doing what I always have...participate and complain! If
you want "shinny things" and awards and rank...you're gonna have to come get'em.
I'll put out the competitions...I'll "plug" your BT/TET's competitions (those
BT/TET's who actually have comps and are not just sitting on their butt after I
went through the trouble of recommending them) - and even judge'em if you want.
So, in a couple of months - when your buddies are getting all the praise, or
"those folks" in that other House are getting all the glory...where are you
gonna be?
BREATHE!!!! Okay...I have calmed down a bit. The CSK system competition series is getting a bit of an adjustment and will be ready to go in a bit. I know this puts us behind just a tad...but this isn't something we'd want to half-ass...trust me.
Seems there's a bit of frustration coming from Arcona...namely House Galeres (awe...idn't dat cute). Apparently started by a Kirletan's indiscretion - Guess what? Who cares?!!!!! Now there is an Obelisk "Age of War" [basically an ongoing melee] going on to pacify these crybabies...so - ALL OBELISK - you have been challenged! Target: House Galeres. Mission: Find them...kill them. I want f**kin' heads!!! (Seriously...in a gaming way, I don't want any stinky boxes in my RL mailbox...this is a club, not RL - just thought I'd stick that in there...just in case)
*PCON Competition: *
This is the first phase in a 2 phase competition, it is a "best screenshot competition". Participants can submit up to five (5) entries total. There are five supported platforms for this event so, you can submit five entries for one game, one for each or any combination to total five. There is no specific category...whatever you think is the best should be submitted.
Standard Crescents will be awarded (Cr-1A, 1S, 1E) for each game platform. So, 1 entrant has the possibility of placing (or winning) five times.
The supported games will be: JK1, JK2, XWA, XVT and SWBG
*Entries sent over the e-groups will be disqualified. Entries not CC'd to their leadership will be disqualified (unless said leadership just requests knowledge of participation). Please try and "zip" your entries. Submit to KP Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with PCON Competition as the subject. **Be sure to include your ID line and dossier# *
**Run time is NOW to the 14th of July. **Phase 2 should be issued on the 16th (or somewhere around there).
ALEEMA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
KP Maradis Jenkar appointed QUA...Congratulations!
SotN Competition: The Biggest Loss
Write about the biggest loss you had upon leaving the EH. Can be something funny like missing your office with the nice view into the female apprentice's rooms or something serious like having to leave your family etc. One page Arial font size 10 is minimum, no maximum. Deadline: July 12th, so enough time for everyone to chunk something out.
I am almost done with Signature Banners for Aleema.
** Medals/Awards**
** Promotions**
** Courses**
KIRLETA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
OW Tatsu Kogarasu transfers in from House Galeres...Welcome!
Kirleta Run-On here.
Kirleta Banners are done...go here and follow the "more" link to the little gfx section. I know that Tatsu is back and he's the "artist" here...but I was just doing something nice.
Bye Talon! waves
** Medals/Awards**
** Promotions**
** Courses**
OW Arso - Leadership Studies: 94% Woa!
GRD Kairus - Krath Poetry: 92% Good Job!
GALTHAIN INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
No current report.
** Medals/Awards**
** Promotions**
Mariusbob has been elevated to Protector (PRT) - Nice goin'!
** Courses**
OTHER INFO: [Added comments, DB events]
The KHP has launched a New Competition open to the entire Brotherhood. Lets get some participation from CSK!!!
Competition Approval can be gained through logging in to the DB site
Interclub Training Event; every Saturday @ 4pm EST. mIRC - #Outerrim on Undernet
** BUCKET O' LINKS***<font size="2">: </font> *
DB PA](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/galaxies/news.asp)
[DB News Page](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp)
[DGM Site](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.asp)
[KHP Site](http://www.minos.net/~krath/page.php?page=home)
[SHW Site](http://www23.brinkster.com/sithhighwarrior/)
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