House Qel-Droma
Aedile report #11
Hail Sisters and Brothers in the Darkness.
As they say.. "The show must go on" So here I am again, yours aedile. Lord Mejas Doto has spoken, and I will act accordingly to his orders. However last week taught me few things, and showed I have to learn how to control my anger heh. Well, I hope you all took some lessons, and now, let it stay behind us, closed in the past. Lets move to the future, shall we ? :)
Our House grow up again..Dark Jedi Knigh Leara arrived to Qel-Droma two days ago, and Protector Alex Darconis Entar (known better as Bograt) who came back to us from rogue. Welcome back you space pirate !
And just today, someone else joined our legions! Novice Morgan =) All of them were assigned to Dark Orb phyle. Welcome again. :) But we wil have one another new member pretty soon. Someone who used to be Obelisk Battle Lord, but who will change his order and become Krath Epis.. I mean here no one else but Azazel Djo'Tarr himself ! Yes, he is going to join us. I guess some of you heard already about Az, and well I dragged him to Arcona. :) We will welcome him shortly.
As for humour corner, hmmz, I haven't had time to write any script nor anything else, (you can guess why, eh? :P) so here's something else, but also funny and enjoyable.. :)
Khobai is in the DC. So I selected new Tetrarch, guess all know who's that. Well, once again congratulations go to Krath Epis Alex!! Ah and with that I want to remind you - my tetrarchs, - I want to see reports from you on my desk BEFORE every sunday.
Lords Mejas and Vor are back from their leaves. JaM3z is still out there, till July the 20th. Also Jedi Hunter Strategos flew away, God only knows where, as the rumors say he will be back around August, and till then Xuthen is in charge of Prophecy.
The Photo Album I created is online... here: Thank you for sending in your pictures whithout what the album wouldn't be up =) But still you can add/replace your pictures, just send it over to me, as always at my addy: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The Loreseekers Ritual Competition is over, and the awards arrived. The winner is Korbane, who received a Crescent with Sapphire Star, and Oscar, who took the second place and get the Crescent with Emerald Star. Congratulations to both of you!
In this week one Shadow Academy course was taken by Qel-Droma. And to be precise, by Storm Sun Entar. He successfuly passed Sith Flight Studies II: ESET! Good work and congruatulations Storm!
Since Jimmy is on leave then it's me who has to forward some of DB wide news. :) Well, I hope you visit DB's news page, and you know what's on there, so I won't paste hehe everything what you can easily read there. So I'll go by those news by short relation.
Dark Brotherhood News:
Obelisk War Lord Khobai Wrathraven, Loreseekers ex-tetrarch, was appointed as new Obelisk High Commander, he also pick his new Preator, Dark Jedi Knight Zekk.
Clan Exar Kun is in need of new Proconsul, requirements were posted on the news page, so if you're interested, go and scroll down. Should be there still.
Also in Clan Taldryn there's open for applications position. Aedile of House Ektrosis, details on the DB's news page as always.
Head Master Kaiann appointed new teachers. So New pedagog for the Leadership Studies is no one else but our own OBM Dagger from Galeres! (GRATS!!) and new Phase 1 pedagog is KAP Kir Katarn.
Dark Jedi Master and teh Master At Arms - Corran Force - was on leave but came back.
Krath High Priestess Alanna posted long weekly report, so go and read it.
If you have any ideas, projects, plans or want to share your opinion about certain things in the Dark Brotherhood, let know about it to Grand Master's Preator - Sith Battle Mistress ShadowHawk by
sending her email at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
An Ode to Mejas Doto.
Show our Overlord how much do you love him, your amdire and respect for him.. and well, it's pretty cool competition, and quite easy :) It's written that competition should be ended on July the 7th, but Lord Mejas said you still can send in your entires, so don't waiste this oportunity. More details here:
Jac's Really Dumb Competition.
Do I have to say anything more ? :P Hehehehh, well click on the link below and take part. It won't take you more than one minute, so go! go!! go!!!!
CSP Invitation Competition.
Gah, Mage is running new competition, but it's too much to write about, so go check the details, here:
The Deepest Desire.
It's a competition host by myself. I requested it yesterday, it's still pending for revieq, but it should be approved within a day or two, so here you go:
Prophecy Competition.
Set by Xuthen, for Prophecy phyle only. More info here:
Gorceries List.
Another competition set by Xuthen for her phyle.
Remembering the Neverending Story...
Comp hosted by KE Alex, see more info below..
Guess those lyrics!
This thingy hosts by our great hula dancer, ermm.. HOO Quaestor Haycon.. :)
July's KMT
This time competitions set by Krath High Priestess Alanna.
Epis Alex
Epis Anshar Kahn
Epis D'hak
Epis Korbane Ashoka
Archpriest Frost
Archpriest JaM3z Lucius Entar - on leave till 20th July
Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar
Archpriestess Tissaya Luna Argat
Archpriest Trent Sterling
Priest Xizor
Dark Jedi Knight Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler
Dark Jedi Knight Konrad Von Drakenhof Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Krona
Dark Jedi Knight Leara - welcome in QD again! :)
Dark Jedi Knight Lillie Hawke Entar
Jedi Hunter Lokii
Jedi Hunter Strategos - on leave till August
Guardian CP
Guardian Ktulu Mizheray
Protector Alex Draconis Entar - Welcome back Boggy =)
Protector Dalk Darklighter
Protector Kandos Katarn
Protector Kris Omega
Protector Oscar
Protector Xuthen i-Sa'onserei
Acolyte Jandos Phyleus Kalinor
Novice Haztix 'W0kkity' Fenns Entar
Novice Homura Omega
Novice Morgan - Welcome!!!
Novice Storm Sun Entar
Final word.
Well guys and gals, I think you have enough competitions to do, hmm? :) Should keep you busy for a while. If you have any questions about them, or about anything else, contact your Tetrarch. He will answer all of your questions, if no then feel free to message me directly.
Be well Qel-Dromans.
Krath Archpriestess Tissaya Luna Argat
House Qel-Droma Aedile of Clan Arcona
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