<title>PCON Report</title> </head>
(#4) PCON Report: 12 July 03
Current competitions can be found within the PCON reports. (6 July)
The feud with Arcona is being worked.
The CSK system competition will be released today (before tomorrow morning). We had to basically "start over" due to the misunderstandings all around in general. Our CON has made a command decision, that I support, with regard to the way the system will be set up. All of the specifics will be in the mail today/tonight.
PCON Competition: (ZERO entries so far) There cannot be a Phase 2 without any entries to Phase 1 <marquee style="font-family: Verdana; color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold">Submit to this comp or face certian peril........uhhhh...please?!</marquee>
This is the first phase in a 2 phase competition, it is a "best screenshot competition". Participants can submit up to five (5) entries total. There are five supported platforms for this event so, you can submit five entries for one game, one for each or any combination to total five. There is no specific category...whatever you think is the best should be submitted.
Standard Crescents will be awarded (Cr-1A, 1S, 1E) for each game platform. So, 1 entrant has the possibility of placing (or winning) five times (that means 5 medals, folks!).
The supported games will be: JK1, JK2, XWA, XVT and SWBG
*Entries sent over the e-groups will be disqualified. Entries not CC'd to their leadership will be disqualified (unless said leadership just requests knowledge of participation). Please try and "zip" your entries. Submit to KAP Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with PCON Competition as the subject. **Be sure to include your ID line and dossier# *
**Run time is NOW to the 14th of July. **Phase 2 should be issued on the 16th (or somewhere around there).
ALEEMA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
I am still almost done with Signature Banners for Aleema.
** Medals/Awards**
Cr-1A: GRD Phage--2nd Place June KMT (poetry)
Cr-1D: DJM Arania Lawakiro--1st Place IG'03 (event #22)
** Promotions**
Phage has been elevated to Guardian (GRD)
** Courses**
IRC Basics: GRD Phage, DJM Arania Lawakiro, PRT Xehr
Krath Grammar Studies: PRT Xehr (two courses this week...is there a promo in his future?)
KIRLETA INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
PRT Volant and GRD Mal'ari'carun transfer in from Rogue...Welcome!
Xura sent his Grandma to finish me off at the end of an ACC match...FAH!!! (funny as hell)
Kirleta Run-On here.
Kirleta Banners are done...go here and follow the "more" link to the little gfx section. I know that Tatsu is back and he's the "artist" here...but I was just doing something nice.
Bye Augustus! waves
** Medals/Awards**
** Promotions**
** Courses**
IRC Basics: OW Arso Slyth, GRD Mal'ari'carun
GALTHAIN INFO: [Medals; Promotions; Courses]
DJK Vessicant will be taking over as QUA
SBM William Waffennass has changed orders to take over as AED.
** Medals/Awards**
** Promotions**
** Courses**
Leadership Studies: Vessicant
OTHER INFO: [Added comments, DB events]
The KHP has launched a New Competition open to the entire Brotherhood. Lets get some participation from CSK!!!
Interclub Training Event; every Saturday @ 4pm EST. mIRC - #Outerrim on Undernet
** BUCKET O' LINKS***<font size="2">: </font> *
DB PA](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/galaxies/news.asp)
[DB News Page](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp)
[DGM Site](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.asp)
[KHP Site](http://www.minos.net/~krath/page.php?page=home)
[SHW Site](http://www23.brinkster.com/sithhighwarrior/)
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