<style type="text/css"> A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} </style> SWL Halcyon, reporting in for House Oriens Obscurum on the 17th of July, 2003
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Arrivals/Departures</td> </tr> </table> None
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Awards/Promotions****</td> </tr> </table> DJK Lenzar Demonis has been awarded an LS!
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Shadow Academy Graduations ****</td> </tr> </table> DJK Lenzar Demonis has passed the IRC Basics Course!
SWL Halcyon has passed the IRC Basics Course!
SWL Halcyon has passed the Obelisk Core!
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">HOO/Arcona News</td> </tr> </table> 1) Well...my last competition is over. Since Lenzar's the only one that submitted, he gets a medal! :P He only submitted for one of them, so only one medal is handed out. Boooo to everyone else :P I won't be having a competition this week...waiting on some things before continuing, but hopefully there will be some stuff next week
2) We also have a couple of other competitions, but these are writing ones. For full details, on one, you can go here. The other one is VERY simple. Go here for the full details, and trust me, it'll take two seconds to submit something, so I suggest you try it out :P It's by one of our resident dope-heads...er....Obbies :P Go and have some fun.
3) There should be a feud against Clan Satal Keto very shortly! Get ready for that people. This one's for bragging rights, and I know we can kick their collective ass. All events will be open to all members, so you can do JK, write and fly! Do as much as you can! I'll keep you all informed of that.
4) In other news, there is talk of mergin Galeres and our house, since we really don't have enough members to sustain a full house. I'm in favor of the idea myself. I don't really care what house name we use. HOO will still exist and when we get more members, we can re-open it. I wouldn't let it die. Not ever. I've worked to hard for it, but I also know we can't continue they way we are.
5) In one of those weird instances, Tiss resigned, resignation was denied, asked to go to Tyro and has decided to stay as AED. Um...welcome back? :P Glad you've stayed Tiss.
6) RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT! We need new members so get out there and try to find some! Friends! Family! Your pets! Anyone and everyone! :P.
7) The winner of last week's "Guess those lyrics" was OBM Dagger. Congrats go out to him. I have a new set of lyrics below.
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#002222" bordercolor="#DDDD00">Dark Brotherhood News</td> </tr> </table> 1) The big news this week was the change in rank names for Sith and Obelisk for the rank bewteen DJK and DA. Sith go by Warrior, WarMaster, Warlord and Overlord. The Obelisk may change once again since many people were not happy with the original names.
2) There are two new courses in the SA. They're IRC basics and a Meditation course, so go take them if you're bored!
3) A slight change in how orders work. You can now participate in any events, regardless of order. If there are Krath or Obby events, you can do those along with the usual Sith stuff. So no more restrictions...well...most of the time :P
4) There will be an Obelisk tourney this Saturday...but since it's only for Obelisk...well...screw it :P
5) Every Saturday at 4pm EST there is an InterClub melee on undernet in the #outerrim channel. Come and play anyone there in various online games such as XvT, XWA, JK1, JK2 and more! Just a place to have omse fun playing online. You will also be rewarded CF's for winning and even losing! So go out and play.
6) A website with the fix for TIE95 in Windows XP can be found here. I will always have this here in case anyone ever needs that link for reference
Lyrics of the Week:
I walked around my good intentions
And found that there were none
I blame my father for the wasted years, we hardly talked
I never thought I would forget this hate
Then a phone call made me realize I'm wrong
In Darkness,
SWL Halcyon (Sith) / QUA / Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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