Consul Report


Consul Report

Hey guys

It's sunday and welcome to yet another reports from your CON ! This week has seen little news so I think this report will be really short heh

As some of you know, the position of PCON was open for application 2 weeks ago and now, after the approval of the GM I can announce our new Proconsul, please welcome back in the Clan Pontifex Gilkane ! He was a member of this clan aloong with your trully long before the Hosues were first created back in Alvaak and as a former KHP (or however was called back then =P) I think he'll be a great asset to our Clan. Welcome back Gil.

Today, I have also opened the position of QUA of House Ziost and thought my requirement for that position are on the DB site I'lll post em again here for you all:

After the removal of SWM Exar Khaland from this position I am now opening the position of Quaestor of House Ziost of Clan Exar Kun.

The QUA will be responsable not only of the maintainance of the House but also of a huge campaing of recruiting for the lack of member the Sith order is facing.

The other requirement are:


  • Rank of GRD+

  • fast mail reply time, 24h max.

  • Been able to work in team with the other summits of the Clan for the better of us all.

  • Been able to fulfill a wide range of duties when I see it needed.


  • Held a command position before in a CMDR+ spot both in the EH or RS as long as I can verify.

  • Been able to host multiplayer nights for the House competitions.

  • Been tollerant with the change of moods of the CON (aka me).

  • A resume of your previous position will be much appreciated.

The application will ends August, 26th and must be sent to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Now proceding with the other news let's talk of the general status of the Clan. This week has seen no activitiy from our Houses and thought I'm used with Ziost (Parker you are an exception), it was new from House Byss.. what's up guys ? Also House Korriban, with their brand new QUA, hasn't been doing anything thought I clearly told many times to work on your communication. Bad boys, BAAD. You should all talk much, we are a Clan and if we have nothing to say eachother I think there's a problem here.

I'm glad we have had some new entry in the Clan as I hope they'll bring new and needed fresh blood to our ranks and I have to admit some of them are performing very very pleasently, keep it up.

I'd like to reminds you that I should be present in every yahoogroup of the Clan so I can keep record of what's really goin on in the Clan... That with the weekly reports of your QUAs, that should be in my inbox by saturday night, will give me the right info when it come down to rewards or punishement.

I think that's all from me for this week.

Again, welcome to all the new comers.


SWL Khan (Sith)/CON/Clan Exar Kun[KSOE: KC2]



" The Power tires only those who do not have it. " Giulio Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister.

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