HLK Quaestor report #7
Sunday the 20th of July
Some stuff happened these past weeks...
The Sith and Obelisk ranks got new names:
Sith Warriors shall remain Sith Warriors
Sith Battlemasters shall become Sith Warmasters
Sith Battlelords shall become Sith Warlords
Sith Warlords shall become Sith Overlords
The new names were made up by our Consul Goatboy... if you hate them then send random abuse to him.
SWL Manesh began working on a new House Ludo Kressh webpage. It's located at http://www.wam.umd.edu/~manesh/hlk/. I suppose you're still welcome to send suggestions and such to him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
SWL Manesh was also appointed the new Aedile of Ludo Kressh. He served as the QUA of the house for over two years in the past so I'm sure he'll do a good job.
The ACC is up at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/
We have missions and battles still. you can find them at http://www23.brinkster.com/sithhighwarrior/.
A DB wide AWOL check ended. I think they'll remove those who didn't log in within a few days.
Also, anyone below DJK without a master (everyone except Ksian) should email me if they're interested in getting a master, it's the easiest way to get to DJK. Anyone above DJK who's interested in being a master should also email me.
Song of the week
David Grey - Superman (It's not easy to be me)
The reason I picked this song is that I got sick of Manesh's complaining about Evanescense and the fact that it's a cool song.
Comming and going
SWL Cellik got 1 CR-1S
SWL Cellik got 3 CR-1Es
JH Ksian got 2 CR-1As
JH Ksian got 2 CR-1Ss
SWL Manesh got 1 CR-1A
Courses passed
SWL Cellik passed IRC Basic
SWL Cellik bassed Dark Jedi Meditation
HLK Flying competition
basic flying competition, highest score is the winner and so.
The mission to fly is Free Mission#1 "Finalize the spirit"
which can be downloaded from
Submit the pilot files to SWL Malik at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Start Date: 7/18/2003
End Date: 8/1/2003
X-Wing alliance
CR-1S for first place
CR-1E for second place
CR-1T for third place
The Exodus of Naga Sadow| Story
Vampyre's Fold | Run-On
Rest in Pieces | Written humour
send me ideas :Þ
I hope I din't leave anything out, if I did then follow the instructions below.
Send me your random abuse, complaints, women or cash or the odd suggestions at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
My reports are uploaded at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/reportlist.asp?Unit=21&Pos=39.
SWL Cellik (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow [ACC: INI]
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