Hey folks! A few things this week, but nothing too detailed. The Clusters of Fire for the various weeks I've missed have been distributed to those deserving of them... If you believe you haven't received as many CFs as you deserve, contact me by email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. On the note of the Interclub Training Event, I'd like to thank KPN Sith Bloodfyre for running these events while I'm away. His help has been invaluable in keeping an event going for DB members to earn weekly CFs and have fun! Also,
I'd also like to say thanks to the SCL Office Staff for their great work. If you haven't noticed, we now have a little quicklink to news and reports on the right side of the page, just below the Dark Brotherhood text.
I'll be running a Question & Answer Session on the new CoG/Guild changes after the meeting on Saturday. I expect the session will start around 1:30 or 1:45, and will be run similiar to how the other session was (you msg me a question, and I ask it in channel, then answer it.) Also, if you have questions relating to other aspects of the Dark Brotherhood, I will do my best to answer correctly.
Eh, and, remember, you can still submit at least 15 Star Wars trivia questions for LSS's, if you wish. :P
Templar Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Lord Chamberlain
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