Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Report for Galthain of Satal Keto

Designation: Vess 2: 07/26/03

< Vess looked to the paperwork on his desk and growled. So that’s what that bottle of ulcer medicine in the upper drawer was for. His gaze shifted downward to the dozens of books and folders scattered on the floor. Chaos raged all around him; chaos raged within him. This was definitely the office of a Dark Jedi. :P>

Umm…ya, so here’s the report:


I received two Emerald Crescents for first place finishes in the Delphian Top Ten and Motto Comps.

PRT mariusbob received 4, count em 4 overdue medals this week. He is now the proud owner of a Steel Cross and a Sapphire Crescent for his efforts in the Galthain Ace Competition. A Topaz Crescent for a second place finish in the Motto Comp and a Quartz Crescent for a third place finish in the Top Ten Comp are the perfect accessories for this very capable young warrior’s robes.

Mariusbob is also hereby awarded the title of GALTHAIN ACE (until such time as someone can pry it from his steel grip in the next Ace Comp...or failing that the next one, or the next one, etc.)

So who gets the second place finish for the Top Ten Comp and the third place finish for the Motto Comp (and the shiny Topaz and Quartz Crescents that go with them respectively)?

Why it’s none other than ACO Osra, another of our eager youngsters.


Pretty much just communication with a few members this week.

I’m currently fighting it out with our honourable PCON Dalthid in the ACC. There’s been a lot of behind the scenes talks and such. Oooooh, and I wrote this report.

Gee…I’m starting to get the feeling we’re in a slump here….

COMPS and other things you can do to get noticed and help break us out of this slump:

[It’s time to dust off your sabers, knuckles, and other assorted weapons. Get those fighters prepped and those pens ready to write. Depending on how many of us are still ALIVE out there we may just be Feuding with House Arcona soon.


If too few step forward to accept this challenge the project will get scrapped. I don’t know about you, but I consider that paramount to surrender. A great Sith House like ours wasn’t build on surrender…but the bones of our enemies.]

[Precious little time to submit for the Sith Mission Comp…]

[One more day to submit for the Clan System Comp….

I know you’re all sick of getting messages from your Clan and House Summits on this, but we wouldn’t be pestering you like this if it weren’t important now would we?

Wait a minute…don’t answer that!]

Have I mentioned yet that the Antei Combat Center is OPEN?

And look for the reopening of the Dark Voice, tentatively set as Friday of next week.

-There are two new courses in the Shadow Academy for your enlightenment. An IRC basics and a Meditation course.

Galthain Comps: None yet, but soon…soon.

You can always write fiction or do some MP flying to pass the time :P

Seriously, if you want I’ll even help edit fiction pieces for you (depending on how much time I have)

Find a way to be active. Stand up and let your voice be heard. Tell the galaxy that YOU ARE ALIVE!



Galthain's homepage: http://www.minos.net/~xura/Galthain/index.html

The Clan MB: http://www.satalketo.net/mb/

and last but not least, the new ACC webpage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/

our roster stands at 11 members:

QUA: Dark Jedi Knight Vessicant ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

AED: Warmaster William Waffennass ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Warrior Blade Kilraven ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dark Jedi Knight Liara ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Jedi Hunter Carl Starr ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Guardian Night Grue ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector AshMaster ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector Luke Morin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector mariusbob ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Acolyte Osra ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Novice Bela Tal'rasha ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

That's it for this week.

Serve the Darkness,


DJK Vessicant(Sith)/QUA/Galthain of Satal Keto [KSOE: CCE] ACC: INI/DC-KC/(SN)/Cr-1T-4E-4S-3A-1R-1D/DSS-QK {SA: G:P2-G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}

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