<style type="text/css"> A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #006262} </style> SWL Halcyon, reporting in for House Oriens Obscurum on the 31stof July, 2003
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Arrivals/Departures</td> </tr> </table> None
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Awards/Promotions****</td> </tr> </table> DJK Lenzar Demonis has been awarded a Star of Antei!
DJK Lenzar Demonis has been awarded a Cluster of Fire!
SWL Halcyon has been awarded a Cluster of Fire x3!
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">Shadow Academy Graduations ****</td> </tr> </table> None
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#DDDD00" bgcolor="#002222">HOO/Arcona News</td> </tr> </table> 1) Firstly, congrats to Lenzar for his medal! He received it for all of his hard work over the month. I will normally award medals at the end of the month, unless you've done something tremendous during the month. Be active, and be rewarded :)
2) My competition has been approved, so it's ready to go. This competition is open to ALL members of the CLAN, not just the house. You are to design a mission, on any platform, as long as it has something to do with the DB. All submissions go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. You have two weeks from today. That's 11:59pm on August 7th. Best mission wins. Best marks are given for creativity, a solid plot and a non-buggy mission :) And just one mission. You can however submit more than one mission. All will be taken into account equally. Dark Crosses for any submissions as well. Go here for full details. Only one more week left people!
3) There should be a feud against Clan Satal Keto very shortly! Get ready for that people. This one's for bragging rights, and I know we can kick their collective ass. All events will be open to all members, so you can do JK, write and fly! Do as much as you can! I'll keep you all informed of that.
4) As I said in my previous mail, I will be going on leave very shortly. I won't be back until Monday night (EST), so until then, I most likely won't have access to much internet. I'll be in Quebec, so nowhere close to my house :P I think everyone can somehow find a way to survive without me for a few days :P Try not to make too much of a mess, mmmkay? :P
5) Mejas will also be one leave this coming weekend (again :P). Vor will once again be fully in charge of Arcona. Ph33r! :P
6) Congrats to Tiss on getting second place in the Battle Plotline competition! Hopefully we'll be seeing some more missions soon.
7) RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT! We need new members so get out there and try to find some! Friends! Family! Your pets! Anyone and everyone! :P.
8) The winner of last week's "Guess those lyrics" was KE Ja3mz. Congrats go out to him. I have a new set of lyrics below.
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#002222" bordercolor="#DDDD00">Dark Brotherhood News</td> </tr> </table> 1) The OHC Cup is currently running. The round-robin portion is open to all orders, so if you like to play JK and JK2, then I suggest you try and make it out. There's actually a tournament today (Thursday) at 7pm EST in #obelisk.
2) Xizor, Alanna and Kaiann are all back from their leaves, so the DC should be at full strength
3) Congratulations go out to the newly promoted DA Alanna! Also, Mage, our old PCON, was awarded the Ruby Scepter. Go Magey!
4) There are two QUA positions open. One for Exar Kun and the other for CSP. Both are for Sith houses actually...any of you apply, and I kill you! :P
5) The SHW actually has a new competition up where you can submit an idea for a new platform for the Sith Order! For exact details on how to submit, I suggest you check the DB page. I think I may have found a platform we could use :)
6) There is also a HUGE JK/JK2 tournament about to happen in August. Anyone can participate. You just go to #scholae on IRC, find a match, play and submit the match to the trounament organizer. I suggest anyone into those games go and participate
7) The position of CoG is open for applications until Friday, so if you want to apply, then do it quickly.
8) Every Saturday at 4pm EST there is an InterClub melee on undernet in the #outerrim channel. Come and play anyone there in various online games such as XvT, XWA, JK1, JK2 and more! Just a place to have omse fun playing online. You will also be rewarded CF's for winning and even losing! So go out and play.
9) A website with the fix for TIE95 in Windows XP can be found here. I will always have this here in case anyone ever needs that link for reference
Lyrics of the Week:
Picture yourself sleeping on a plane
There's something ticking in the overhead and inside your brains
There's bodies in the water
And bodies in the basement
If heaven's for clean people, it's vacant
In Darkness,
SWL Halcyon (Sith) / QUA / Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
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