<head> <title>Weekly Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>
CONSUL REPORT #13 for Week Ending 01/08/2003
Dark Greetings Brethren of Arcona,
_**Clan News:
_Galeres Situation:**
This piece of news is mainly for the Obelisk of Arcona. I just want you all to know I'm aware you are pretty leaderless at the moment and I have taken steps to resolve this for you. I was trying to give Gav and Kel the chance to step back in, but Kel won't be back for a couple of weeks and I've still heard nothing from Gavin. Things are set in motion and hopefully it won't be too long before we have someone to lead against Kirleta in the Feud!
Clan Feud:
More updates for you all....well I have the website ready to launch and all we are waiting on is a Krath topic for the fiction and some Sith missions/battles whatever you call them. I'm hoping we can start towards the end of this week, but really can't say until people deliver the goods to me! It shouldn't be too long though, so I hoep you're all ready!!!!
Interclub Training:
Same request as last week...... Can all Galeres and Oriens members really try to make these events (and any Krathies who can fight or fly!). Not only do you get medals, you get known by your Order Leaders and the LCH. Impressions can take you a long way in this club...
Dark Brotherhood News:
GM = No news.....
DGM = Obelisk rank polls will end soon. CoG to be announced soon.Back from weekend LoA.
MAA = The roster currently stands at 501 members, that's up from 466 of last week! Dagger was promted to <INSERT NEW OBESLIK RANK HERE>!!!
HM = Launched a PHP Course by our very own JaM3z!!!
HRLD = Dark Voice delayed. Submissions being taken [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Herald website content due for revamp.
CHAN = No news.....
SCL = Back from LoA and starting work straight away!!!
KHP = Trevarus Caerick and Erryc Lasitter selected as new Magistrates. New KMT's for August out (thanks to our own Anshar Kahn!) Working on a new MML!!!
OHC = Well done to Dagger who is leading the OHC Cup (and also making loads of new levels for us!) with Cannabisia in at 4th and Destavol Gin at 6th!
SHW = No news.....
EMS = No news.....
LCH = Been looking into a new game Mod for the Sith - Galactic Conquest mod of Battlefield 1942. Soon to start promoting the DB across the DB for newbie members.
CM = Working on a Dark Side Force Power Guide with DA Trevarus and also looking into some character sheet enhancements.
JST = No news.....
<font size="3" face="Arial">CLAN ARCONA COMPETITIONS</font>
<font size="3" face="Arial">COMPETITION 1</font>:
Title: What happened when Tiss left?
Requested By: KE JaM3z Lucius Entar
Specifics: Aedile Tissaya Luna Argat of Qel-Droma will be on a LoA from the 4th till the 11th. Offcourse, the moment the shuttle left the Arcona Base, everyone starts opening their cans of beer and starts ordering Twi'Leks. Describe what happened after Tiss left the Arcona base, the mess she'll see and her reaction when she returns.
Competition will be judged by JaM3z ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Tiss ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
There are no requirements or limits on the size and form of the submission (can be written fiction, GFX (ms paint included), sound files, whatever you want), multiple submissions per person are allowed, and the most creative entry wins.
Start Date: 8/4/2003
End Date: 8/11/2003
Unit in Competition: Clan Arcona
Platforms: Whatever you want
Awards: Crescents based on the clan level
Comments: Competition is meant for Clan Arcona, but also people from other clans are encouraged to participate.
<font size="3" face="Arial">_COMPETITION 2 _</font>:
Title: The Early Years
Requested By: GRD Alex Draconis Entar
Specifics: Many people have a good idea of who their character is, and what they're like. It seems to me that not too many have a good idea where they came from. The Early Years is a fiction competition, based on this idea.
Topic 1: Childhood
You weren't always a Dark Jedi. At some point, you were a kid. Write a story about your childhood. It can be a major event in your childhood, what you wanted to do with your life, or even just a typical day in your childhood life.
Topic 2: The Teen Years
The teenage years are a troubling time. Lots of changes are occuring to yourself and those around you. Especially to those with Force sensitivity. What events in your teen years shaped who you are today?
Topic 3: Training
You can't just pick up a lightsaber and be a Dark Jedi. There's a lot of training involved. Heck, the training never stops. Write a story about a day in your training: who trained you, where you were trained, what you were good at, and what you just stunk at.
Topic 4: The Dark Brotherhood
Before you got to where you are today, you had to have your first experience with the Dark Brotherhood. What was it?
Start Date: 8/5/2003
End Date: 8/31/2003
Unit in Competition: Clan Arcona
Platforms: Fiction
Awards: First in each topic: Crescent with Amethyst
Second in each topic: Crescent with Sapphire
Third in each topic: Crescent with Emerald
Comments: All submissions should be sent to this address ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Submissions should be in .doc, .rtf, or .txt formats. They should be in standard fonts (Times New Roman, Courier New, or Arial), and there's no length requirement.
<font size="3" face="Arial">CLAN COMPETITION 3: </font>
Title: Mission Making
Requested By: SWL Halcyon
Specifics: You are to create a mission in any platform, so long as it has something to do with the DB. Best overall mission wins. Most points for creativity and a solid plotline.
Start Date: 7/24/2003
End Date: 8/7/2003
Unit in Competition: Clan Arcona
Awards: 1st Place: Amethyst Star
2nd Place: Sapphire Star
3rd Place: Emerald Star
All other submissions: Topaz Star
<font size="3" face="Arial">DARK BROTHERHOOD COMPETITIONS</font>
<font size="3" face="Arial">DB COMPETITION 1</font>:
Title: ACC Celebration ladder
Requested By: KE JaM3z Lucius Entar
Specifics: The First ACC Ladder to celebrate the opening of the Centre.
People will fight 1vs1 ACC matches. Winner goes trough to the next round until one fighter remains.
Start Date: 8/1/2003
End Date: 9/1/2003
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Platforms: Antei Combat Centre
Awards: Clusters of Fire for individual wins, and Diamond Crescent for getting first place of the ladder.
Comments: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/ladders.asp to subscribe (when logged in)
<font size="3" face="Arial">_DB COMPETITION 2 _</font>:
<font face="Arial" size="2">Alliance Inter-Club Training Night:
I would like to ask all Consuls inform their clans about the Inter-club Training event that is taking place tomorrow(Saturday the 17th) at 4 pm EST in #Outerrim . We will be awarding all members who participate in the following way: Any win will be awarded a Cluster of Fire, while three losses will also give a Cluster of Fire. Games supported are as follows: Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, Xwing Alliance, Xwing vs TIE Fighter, SW:Galactic Battleground, and Star Trek Armada 2: Star Wars Fleet Command... For more information, check out http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=314</font>
<font size="3" face="Arial">DB COMPETITION 3</font>:
Title: Antei Combat Centre motto
Requested By: KAP Xizor
Specifics: Come up with the best ACC motto, it can be in English, Latin, Gibberish, whatever! (Ok, not Gibberish)
Just make it nice and original. And combat related of course.
Start Date: 8/4/2003
End Date: 8/11/2003
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Platforms: None.
Awards: 1st: Crescent with Diamond Star.
2nd: Crescent with Ruby Star.
3rd: Crescent with Amethyst Star.
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**_Member: Dagger
Medal Awarded: Cluster of Fire x5
Date Awarded: 8/3/2003
Reason for Award: OHC Cup Tournament
Member: Destavol Gin
Medal Awarded: Cluster of Fire x3
Date Awarded: 8/3/2003
Reason for Award: OHC Cup Tournament
Member: Cannabisia
Medal Awarded: Cluster of Fire x7
Date Awarded: 8/3/2003
Reason for Award: OHC Cup Tournament
Member: Anshar Kahn
Medal Awarded: Crescent with Sapphire Star
Date Awarded: 8/3/2003
Reason for Award: For taking the first place in "Deepest Desire" Competition.
Member: Anshar Kahn
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 8/3/2003
Reason for Award: Idea for August KMT which I've decided to use.
Member: Xuthen i-Sa'onserei
Medal Awarded: Crescent with Sapphire Star
Date Awarded: 7/31/2003
Reason for Award: Guessing this week's lyrics first. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=20
Member: Lenzar Demonis
Medal Awarded: Legion of the Scholar
Date Awarded: 8/3/2003
Reason for Award: First place in Trivia on 8/2/03
Member: JaM3z Lucius Entar
Medal Awarded: Steel Cross
Date Awarded: 7/31/2003
Reason for Award: For consistently excellent work on updates to the DB site, dealing with my constant requests for changes, and doing them in a timely manner. This especially refers to the new poll add-in that lets you restrict polls to one order.
Member: Tissaya Luna Argat
Medal Awarded: Crescent with Ruby Star
Date Awarded: 7/29/2003
Reason for Award: Joint 2nd place in Sith Mission Competition
_Dagger** was promoted to Crusader on **7/29/2003
Xiphias Amplus Entar ** was promoted to Protector on ****** 8/1/2003
Xander Torrent** was promoted to ** Dark Jedi Knight** on ****** 8/1/2003*_*
55 Clan Members : Galeres = 15 / Oriens Obscurum = 6 / Qel-Droma = 32
<table border="0"> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <th class="Type2" align="Left" width="172">Rank</th> <th class="Type2" width="212">Name</th> <th class="Type2" width="256">Email</th> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Master</td> <td width="212">Mejas Doto</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Side Adept</td> <td width="212">E. Tarkin</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Pontifex</td> <td width="212">Voranyen</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Epis</td> <td width="212">Alex</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Epis</td> <td width="212">Anshar Kahn</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Epis</td> <td width="212">Azazel DjoTarr</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Epis</td> <td width="212">D'hak</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Epis</td> <td width="212">JaM3z Lucius Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Epis</td> <td width="212">Korbane Ashoka</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Crusader</td> <td width="212">Dagger</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Warlord</td> <td width="212">Halcyon</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">Frost</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">Timeros Caesus Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">Tissaya Luna Argat</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Archpriest</td> <td width="212">Trent Sterling</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Sentinel</td> <td width="212">Drakal Morth</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Sentinel</td> <td width="212">Gavin Dahl</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Sentinel</td> <td width="212">Koskian Arconae</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Sentinel</td> <td width="212">Syn Kaek</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Priest</td> <td width="212">Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Champion</td> <td width="212">Destavol Gin</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Hildan Wytusc</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Konrad Von Drakenhof Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Krona</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Leara</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Lenzar Demonis</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Lillie Hawke Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Dark Jedi Knight</td> <td width="212">Xander Torrent</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Jedi Hunter</td> <td width="212">Cannabisia</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Jedi Hunter</td> <td width="212">Ktulu Mizheray</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Jedi Hunter</td> <td width="212">Nicholas Kelric Arconae</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Jedi Hunter</td> <td width="212">Strategos</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Guardian</td> <td width="212">Alex Draconis Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Guardian</td> <td width="212">CP</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Guardian</td> <td width="212">Kris Omega</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Guardian</td> <td width="212">Vicious'wok</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Guardian</td> <td width="212">Xuthen i-Sa'onserei</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Protector</td> <td width="212">Dalk Darklighter</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Protector</td> <td width="212">Kandos Katarn</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Protector</td> <td width="212">Kurzed</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Protector</td> <td width="212">Nikana</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Protector</td> <td width="212">Xiphias Amplus Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Astnagrath</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Doppelganger</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Drake Malone</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Elessar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Gambit</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Haste black</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Jandos Phyleus Kalinor</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Thomas Fene</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Acolyte</td> <td width="212">Zito Cutter</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Novice</td> <td width="212">Enilias</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Novice</td> <td width="212">Haztix 'W0kkity' Fenns Entar</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Novice</td> <td width="212">Homura Omega</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#000000"> <td nowrap width="172">Novice</td> <td width="212">Morgan</td> <td width="256">[Log in to view e-mail addresses]</td> </tr> </table>
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House Galeres Links
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House Oriens Obscurum Links
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House Qel-Droma Links
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**_Apologies once again for the delay in this report. The wedding I was at was amazing! A really great weekend but unfortunately I left my digital camera in the hotel! Doh! I will however be getting a copy of pictures for you and I'll make sure you all get to see your Consul in his kilt! It was such a good night I actually lost teh following:
My Sgian Dubh (the knfe you carry in your sock which you can see here)
I lost the broach from my braid.
One of the tartan flashes from my sock.
My bowtie.
So I'm sure to incur some extortiantate fine from the renatl place....no matter it was SO worth it!!!!
As always, if anyone has any problems at all then please don't hesitate to contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Dark Jedi Master Mejas Doto
"Embrace the Darkness"
DJM Mejas Doto (Krath)[#50]/P:HRLD-CON/Clan Arcona
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