First off, congrats to Dagger on his promotion; he's a done a lot for both the Sith and the Obelisk by creating numerous XWA and JK2 maps--and he's still creating them. Hopefully I'll be able to put some of his levels on the Obelisk website for download.
Secondly, the OHC cup results for Thursday are done. You can find them below. The next OHC cup will be on Saturday at 5pm. If you can't make it on Saturday, don't worry, because I'll host another one sometime during the week.
Lastly, I'd like to start running some informal CTF matches to try out some of Dagger's CTF maps. If you're interested, just email me, or talk to me on IRC. If CTF becomes popular enough, I'd definately be up for starting a CTF league.
Last Night's Individual Results (From 1st place to 10th place)
#2821 Cannibisa (4-0)
#2070 Dagger (4-0)
#2240 Vicious (3-1)
#3329 Destavol Gin (2-3)
#1853 Artex Onean (2-2)
#22 Khobai (1-3)
#2593 Blade Dranal (1-2)
#332 Telaris "Mav" Cantor (1-0)
#2556 Shaithis (0-3)
#1688 Zekk (0-3)
#756 Bloodfyre (0-1)
Current Season Standing - Week Three
OS Dagger (10 points)(invitation granted)
GRD Blade Dranal (6 points)
OC Tatsu Kogarasu (5 points)
DJK Shaithis Var'rek (5 points)
JH Blade Cannabisia (4 points)
PRT Vicious (3 points)
GRD Benevolent Whiner (3 points)
OC Destavol Gin (2 points)
NOV Artex Onean (2 points)
NOV Mal'ari'carun (2 points)
ACO Elessar (2 points)
OT Telaris "Mav" Cantor (1 point)
DJK X-Pilot (1 point)
JH Lorad Desmos (1 point)
DJK Zekk (1 point)
KPN Bloodfyre (1 point)
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Thanks for the mention Khobs, always nice to hear my help is appreciated. <nod>
As a matter of advertising, I am always looking for ideas for good maps, and almost always looking for good suggestions about how i can improve my work. Feel free to contact me here, IRC, or email (
Thanks folks, and it's been a pleasure to continue to serve the Obelisk Order.
Long Live Darkness!</nod>