Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

Dark greetings from the Office of the Combat Master.

The first week of the ACC's existence has already passed, and I'm proud to announce that it has been a complete success! The Initiates who are joining the Centre every day are plenty, and the Qualification battles are giving my Trainers and myself a lot on our hands ;) Keep 'em coming people, that's what we're here for!

I'm currently working with Trev on a Dark Side Force Powers guide, which will be added in the updated Character Sheet, along with some other things the Adept has up his sleeve. Keep up the good work bro :P

Applications for Judges are still open, I'm currently battling DJK Zekk, GRD Alaric (Sorry, can't spell the damn name :P) and also KHP Alanna to confirm her position as Trainer. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone, but if anyone else wants to try out for a position in the ACC's staff, you are more than welcome to do so. I love having more people to boss around :P

Hmmm, I do believe that's about it, one last thing: I'd like to thank Trevarus Caerick for his recommendation for my promotion to Krath Archpriest! Thanks Trev, I really appreciate your kind words!

This is Combat Master Xizor, keep fighting.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici."

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